Professor LaBarte Character in Od | World Anvil
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Professor LaBarte (La-Bar-Tay)

LaBarte is a human researcher and occasional professor at Alywix Academy. He is rather renowned for his work with lost and ancient magics. LaBarte is an older gentleman, fairly serious, and spends most of his time on his work. He mostly works by himself, as he finds it difficult for others to keep up with his pace. The counteract this a bit, he has a Magmin assistant he's named Reginald.   He is medium-tall with white hair and beard. His left arm is a prosthetic made from an old relic he found on his journeys. He carries various journals to take notes in and trinkets he's found on his travels, many of magical nature.  

Area of Study

LaBarte is intrigued with lost forms of magic, artifacts, and technology. He works to rediscover their purpose and power and seeks to apply them to problems faced today. He's mostly just curious and wants to learn the ancient magics, but with a practical purpose he can persuade the Academy to fund his expeditions. In return, all he has to do is provide his findings and give a lecture every now and again, although he does tend to keep the best bits for himself. He also likes being able to be called "Professor."  

At the Academy

While at the Academy, LaBarte mostly interacts with the students involved in the Artifact Expedition program. He gives them tips on survival, field research, adequate note taking, and knowing when to pick a fight (both for monsters and magical artifacts). He's only on campus a few days on the month at most, so it is usually an event among students when he arrives.  


Reginald is a Magmin that LaBarte summoned to help with his tasks. Reginald doesn't exactly enjoy the work, or his name, but he has no choice. Through some ancient magics, LaBarte was able to bind the Magmin to himself, so that it could not harm him and must do as he says. Reginald has a hot fiery core with a hot solid magma shell. While he enjoys the pyrokinetic side of the world, he tries not to burn anything too important, or too frequently, or risk punishment from LaBarte. Often when Reginald misbehaves, he will be placed in a metal cage where he can't get into any more trouble. The only other person Reginald listens to is Headmistress Dewdrop, because he finds her terrifying.

Research Tendencies

He tends to take on research and exploration on his own. And with Reginald, of course. He likes to embark into dangerous and unknown areas to find the secrets hidden between the cracks that everyone else misses. He rarely rests once he's on the trail of something big, and doesn't stop until he's found something big. Or found out that there isn't anything big to find.
Class Template: Artificer
Neutral Good
Alywix Occupation: Researcher, Expedition Expert
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Character Portrait image: by TheChurn5E


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