Raiann Character in Od | World Anvil
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Raiann (ray-ann/rain)

Raiann is the lead combat specialist at the Alywix Academy. She leads the students in many exercises, drills, and survival weekends to sharpen their skills and prepare them for the dangers of the world.   Raiann stands about 6''2' and holds herself with the presence of a master of her craft. Her well worn, yellow-copper scales show the years of experience and hard work she's invested in her form. Her movements look entirely deliberate, not one step out of place, not one muscle needlessly exerted. She speaks with a light but authoritative voice, and when speaking of combat does so expertly and engagingly. She is caring and only wants the best for her students, but the way she shows it can come off as pushy and unsympathetic at times.  

Areas of Interest

Raiann has a strong body, and keen mind, and a interest in combining the two. Her fighting style involves a mix of martial arts and magic. She likes to include elements of trickery, like illusion magics, to fool her opponents, while backing it up with hard hitting, well places blows from a variety of weapons, including her own hands. She is well trained in practically any fighting style and works with her students to find a style that utilizes their skills sets.
She is not the only combat instructor at the academy so she will not get to teach every student, but she tries to at least meet all the new students and see who she could help the most. She especially enjoys training those less talented, meek, or unsure of their abilities. She believes everyone has a spark in them that can lead them to do anything they want, so long as they put the work in for it. Her training is not only to help them fight, but to grow their confidence and teach them they can do anything they put their minds to. As a result, the greatest fighters of the academy are rarely trained by her, but there are few who can say they dislike her and her teaching style, although she may push her students a bit too hard at times.  

At the Academy

If Raiann isn't teaching a class she's preparing for the next big survival weekend (her favorite weekends) or training herself, learning up on a new technique or honing an existing one.  

Survival Weekends

Probably Raiann's favorite days are the survival weekends. Every so often she will take a group of her students out into the woods where they will have to fend for themselves; make shelter, overcome obstacles, fight in a real combat scenario. She enjoys planning these in advance, creating problems that cater to every member of the group she's picked out. These excursions usually involve the less skilled among her students, which they usually dread being picked for, but ultimiately serving as an excellent character building exercise and creating strong bonds and relationships that last a lifetime.  


She doesn't spend much time interacting with the more academy folk around the academy. She and Professor LaBarte get a long well and she loves hearing of his exciting adventures, so she's always delighted on the few days he spends at the academy. She and [GUY] both an interest in evocation magics, and since there's not a formal class on it at the academy they enjoy talking about it amongst themselves. Raiann and Mistress Dewdrop don't always see eye to eye, and she's not afraid to express her opinion, but Dewdrop is the boss (and probably a lot smarter than her) so she will inevitably do what she says, but only after a debative discussion between them of course.  

Personal Life

On her days off Raiann can often be found walking through the forest by the waterfall, skipping stones into Lake Braynd. She may pop into town and peruse the local fight pits, or catch up with the weapon smiths. She enjoys a fresh tea in the morning to wake her up, and 3 square meals of meat, rare, lamb is possible.
Aligned Organization
Character Portrait image: by Steve Sketches
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