Session 6: On the Topic of Lizardfolk Report Report in Oerth | World Anvil

Session 6: On the Topic of Lizardfolk Report

General Summary

Entering the town, a guard accosts the group and cries out "Ho!" Startled by him, Kyra spits out several frustrated retorts, before the guard sheepishly explains that he has orders for you to report to the council hall immediately.   As the group enters the council hall, Leeroy throws down a bag that opens upon a decomposing zombie face while stating, "There's proof that we killed the zombies!"   Mina's jaw drops as she turns toward Leeroy explaining, "Ummm, Leeroy, it was Ferrin, the druid of Obad-Hai, that tasked us to defeat the zombies."   He grins as he proclaims, "Sure, but here is our proof regardless!"   "Welcome back," Eda starts, "I'm glad that you were successful in deflecting the zombie threat. Your group has done several worthy deeds in the service of Saltmarsh and it's time we recognize them. I'm preparing a proclamation stating that your group has dismantled a smuggling ring. Do you all have a group name? If so, the proclamation will address you as such." This question surprises the group and for several minutes they shout out a few ideas but none seem to gain traction. "It seems," continues Eda, "that you are still struggling with your group identity, so I'll send this to the printers and simply refer to you as the adventurers. In addition, with the return of the contraband, the town has been authorized to provide another two hundred gold as a reward." Anders , Manistrad , and Gellan  congratulate the group along with additional rewards for their work.   The council then informs the party that the deckhands from the Sea Ghost didn't have any real information. Apparently, they'd all been hired within the last four months in various ports within the Viscounty of Salinmoor. Kraddok Stonehorn relayed that each time the ship docked one or two deckhands would leave and the captain would hire replacements. Punketah, the deck wizard, was interviewed as well, but she adamantly refused to provide information. Although at one point, Kraddock accused her of being a Keoland native and she became agitated and admitted that she'd been on that ship for over a year and that she'd never call such a decadent backwoods half-bred country her home. She then started throwing herself against the walls, so Kraddock left her alone for a few hours to calm down, but when he returned she was dead. All efforts to revive her failed and there were no obvious reasons for her death.   Eda then leads the discussion back to an argument that the council has been having for hours if not days, "The lizardfolk threat is our top issue. They will attack us and we are ill-prepared. We absolutely need to strengthen our defenses against these lizardfolk immediately."   "I've heard of these beasts," drawls Manistrad, "but it seems to me that constructing new defenses would degrade our mobility to the west and just create new issues on the old coast road. Are we sure these beasts are uncivilized? Are we sure they mean to attack?"   "Skerrin tells me," replies Anders, "that these are just trumped up tales against beasts. I mean sure they look scary, but the stories are just bed-time tales to scare kids. How much threat do they present against our forces?"   "You weren't there Anders!" screams Eda, "You didn't hear the klaxon warning bells nor were you there as we watched the blood of our family and friends run freely across the streets! These beasts kill viciously and freely."   Gellan responds, "Eda, I was there and I saw more than you. I'm sure the lizardfolk aren't just mindless beasts. There is intelligence in their actions and their tactics. If we can talk with them, then perhaps.."   "Kraddok has tried talking to them," Eliander interjects, "and all he has to show for it is an infected bite on his arm. Maybe their grunts are language, but there's nobody here that speaks it, unless..." Eliander turns to look at the group, "Perhaps our staltworth adventurers can try. Maybe they will fare better."   "You're right Fireborn!," Eda quickly concurs, "Let's see if our adventurers have better luck."   "If you all would step over here," starts Eliander, "we've been interviewing them in an isolated room."   Inside the room, a tall human with short brown hair is pointing to the map found on the Sea Ghost asking "Do you live here?" The lizardfolk across the table have chains around their hands and feet stare at him mutely. Eliander introduces Kraddok to the party. Nar then steps forward and offers one a bit of smoked meat. The lizardman leans forward to sniff it, then bats it away snarling and barking a response. Nar smiles and pulls out some bread, but the lizardman seems even less interested. After several minutes, it's apparent that the lizardmen aren't communicating with you and the party returns to the council room.   As you enter, Eda queries, "Well? Did our intrepid adventurers learn anything?"   "Yes," responds Nar, "They didn't try to hurt us."   "It's time for us to confirm a course of action," states Eliander, "I say we send our adventurers into the marsh to reconnoiter why the Sea Ghost made so many stops there. Is it the lair of the lizardfolk? If so, are they preparing for war? Who is their target? How many forces do they have? Are they open to a friendship with us?"   "Your path" suggests Gellan, "should be over land. If you travel by ship, then they would spot you many miles out. If you traverse through the marsh, then your passage should be disguised."   "If they are preparing for war with Saltmarsh," asks Leeroy, "should we attack them?"   "No!" replies Eliander. "We are not prepared for a war and attacking them might cause hostilities before we are ready. Your task is to covertly observe them and report back. Hostilities are to be avoided, because we'd prefer to befriend them, if that's possible."   "This matter" Eda adds, "requires urgency. My gut tells me they are beasts and therefore we must strike, but if you can provide information without alerting them, then your mission will prove worth our delay."     The party finally returns to the Snapping Line to relax and, in the case of Kyra, study. The next morning the party begins their overland trek to the Hool Marshes. Heading west out of town, the party crosses the mouth of the Kingfisher river before following a rarely used trail. By late evening, the party camps just at the edge of the marshes.     Morning arrives with a dreary fog and the party heads into the marsh. As Nar follows a narrow game trail, Karia warns that a bog pit blocks the trail. The party trudges through hours of muck and bogs before the trail solidifies westward. Suddenly, six frog-like humanoids leaping from their hiding spots within the muddy water to attack the party with spears. After being stunned by the suddenness of the attack, the party quickly engages in a spirited battle eventually defeating the frog-like creatures. As the last of the frog-like creatures drops, two more and a larger more powerful frog-like humanoid leap into the battlefield. This larger creature beams a smile at someone or something behind him any time his spear nicks a party member. Fortunately, these new attackers don't withstand the concerted battle tactics and quickly fall. As the larger croaker falls, a ring of these frog-people rise from the muddy waters watching as a large toad leaps into the battlefield. Astride this behemoth toad sits the king of these frog-people. He croaks a royal challenge as the toad leaps toward the group. Still too far away, the party closes the distance attacking both toad and royal rider. Within moments, the king's body sinks into the marsh and the party discovers the small treasure that this group was hoarding.   By the end of the second day, the party reaches the edge of the Dunwater river and sees a large promontory of stone ahead. Clearly this swelling of bedrock is the spot on the map as the well-defined trail leads directly into a cave ahead of the party. However, the sun is low in the sky, so the party stays on the far side of the river to gain one more night's sleep before exploring what lies ahead.  

Rewards Granted

Oweland: 200gp
Copperlocks: 250gp
Copperlocks: Cloak of the Manta Ray
Solmor: 3 Potions of health
Kastilar: 250gp (for defeating the zombies)

Helm of Underwater Action
325 pp

Missions/Quests Completed

Defeated 8 Bullywogs
Defeated Bullywog croaker
Defeated Bullywog Royal
1550xp / 6 (including Oceanus) = 259xp/person

Monsters Faced:
Bullywog Croaker
Bullywug Royal
Secrets of the Saltmarsh
Report Date
14 Dec 2021
Primary Location