
Peuchen are a species of anthrophage shapeshifters native to South America.

Basic Information


Peuchen are shapeshifters, who evolved to blend in unseen among humans.

They distinguish between true shapeshifting (taking on the appearance of another person, real or imagined) and changing (changing their biological gender, called sequential hermaphrodism in zoology, although the term is often strongly disliked by peuchen).

According to peuchen myth, changing is the the older ability, being innate in their species from the start, and serving a similar purpose in peuchen society as it does in species like clownfish. In the days before they were full sentient, it allowed them to ensure there were always sufficient numbers of breeding pairs to continue the species, although the change was less dramatic than modern changing.

They believe the ability to shapeshift was granted to them by a god (although peuchen from different areas of South America disagree about which god) at the same time as they were made sentient. This combined with the existing changing abilities to create the modern fluid-sex peuchen.

Genetics and Reproduction

Peuchen reproduce sexually, and can interbreed with humans or other sapient species.

They can also reproduce through bite, although only born peuchen have this ability. Unlike Alpha Werewolves, they can control this ability, to allow them to feed without turning their victim.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Peuchen are obligate carnivores, and anthrophages, with their preferred diet being Human flesh (or the flesh of other species in the genus Homo, such as Shifters).

They can survive on animal meat, but risk becoming malnourished if this is not supplimented by human (or shifter) blood.

Most plant-based foods are not toxic to them, but they contain little or no nutrition, and are usually considered unpleasantly bland or tasteless due to peuchen's limited range of tastebuds.

Sodium, especially sodium chloride, is toxic to them in relatively small amounts. If injested, it will not leave the body unless vomitted up before being digested, and builds up in the liver, causing worsening symptoms over time, eventually proving fatal. They are also allergic to opiates.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Peuchen do not form packs or hierarchical groups the way many shifters do. They tend to have similar social structures to the humans they live among, living alone or in small family groups, and networks of friends and acquaintances.

Due to their increasing rarity and need to hide, Peuchen society is sometimes compared to the queer community, especially in places without strong LGBT protections.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Originally South America, primarily the Amazon rainforest, although logging and the loss of indigenous land has forced them into urban environments, and they are now found throughout South and Central America.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Peuchen sense of smell is highly attuned to blood, especially human blood, but their senses are not otherwise sharper than those of humans.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Due to being anthrophages, they have a bad reputation among other sapient supernatural species, and werewolf packs will often chase them out of their territory if they encounter them.

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