
Werewolves are a species of Shifter, and the most common shifter in North America and Europe.

According to mythology, they were created by Kybele (see Lykaon, the first werewolf).

Like other shifters, they are tied to the lunar cycle, although this is more pronounced in werewolves than in other shifters. During a full moon they find it extremely difficult to remain unshifted, and will be overcome with a violent rage and the desire to hunt and kill, especially humans. This urge can be controlled with practice and with the assistance of an Anchor.

Basic Information


Werewolves possess four morphs, referred to as shifts:
  1. Unshifted: an unshifted werewolf is indistinguishable from a Human to the naked eye, although they still possess superhero abilities. They may choose to allow their true eyes to show when unshifted.
  2. Half-Shift: in a half-shift, a werewolf's claws are visible. Their face takes on a more animalistic form, with fangs, differing patterns of hair growth, and glowing eyes. The muscaluture of their back and shoulders also becomes more pronounced, often causing a slightly hunched appearance.
  3. Alpha-shift: available only to Alphas, this is a humanoid form but much closer to a full shift than a half-shift, with a muzzle, fur, and an canine-shaped ears.
  4. Full-shift: a fully shifted werewolf is distinguishable from a normal wolf only in that they tend to be slightly larger, and their head and neck are placed higher, giving a gait more similar to a dog than a true wolf. Full-shift ability is extremely rare, and is usually found on in Guardian packs. If none guardians succeed in achieving a full shift, they are usually unable to return to human, or even humanoid, form, although they retain their intelligence and cognitive abilities.

Genetics and Reproduction

Werewolves can reproduce sexually. If both parents are werewolves, the offspring will almost always be a werewolf, although in rare cases they may be born Human. Werewolves can also interbreed with many other supernatural creatures, in which case the offspring may take after either parent, and rare cases may display characteristics of both.

Werewolves can also reproduce by bite. Only Alphas have this ability, and only humans can be turned this way. If the bite does not take, the bitten human will die shortly afterward, even if the physical wound is not serious. The mechanics of how and why the bite takes on some people on others are not fully understood: it is known that children and teenagers are more likely to survive than adults, and Peter Hale has stated that Kybele will reject those already marked by other deities. (Notably Paige Krasikeva died after being bitten, which Peter claimed was due to her being a worshipper of the Matronae).

In rare cases, a bitten human may become a different type of shifter than a werewolf, such as a Werecoyote or a Werelion, or they may become a Kanima. It is believed that these mutations are based on the personality of the bitten person.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Werewolves naturally form Packs, lead by Alphas. Among born wolves, packs are usually families, with new members joining the pack only through marriage or adoption.

Bitten wolves automatically join the pack of the Alpha who bit them, although this process can be resisted if the new Beta feels strongly enough about it. Bitten wolves who have left or lost a pack maybe become Lone Omegas, but they may also join a constructed pack which is looking for new members.

In rare cases, packs may be alphaless (such as in the case of the McCall Pack prior to Scott McCall becoming a True Alpha), or be made up entirely of alphas (called an Alpha Pack).

Lone wolves tend to be short-lived, both because they are more vulnerable to Hunters (and more likely to lose control during a full moon and attract the attention of a Hunter Clan) and because the lack of social bonds can have a very serious impact on their mental and physical health.

Facial characteristics

Like other shifters, werewolves' true eyes refract light in a way that makes them appear to glow.

An omega or beta wolf may have golden or blue eyes. A werewolf's eyes turn blue when they take a sentient life. There is considerable debate about the origins of this mutation. Most Hunters believe this is the result of magic cast by early hunters, in order to distinguish which werewolves were dangerous, while many werewolf packs, especially in Europe, refer to the phenomena as The Curse of Nyctimus, after the son Lykaon murdered shortly before becoming the first werewolf.

Alpha werewolves have red eyes, regardless of their eye colour as betas, although the shade may differ depending on how they achieved the Alpha rank.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Werewolves possess incredibly acute hearing and sense of smell. There is some debate among hunters as to whether these are superior to those possessed by true wolves, but it is generally accepted they are on a par.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The seven Guardian packs are usually accepted as being the most politically powerful packs in Europe and North America.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Werewolves have a system similar to the zodiac, called Selenekos, based on the first full moon falling after a wolf is born or turned. In born packs, this information is considered as important, if not more important, than date of birth, and it is common for birthday celebrations to be held on the night of the relevant full moon, rather than the aniversery of birth.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Werewolves are highly territorial, and pack territories tend to be avoided by other supernatural creatures. However, they accept humans living in their territory, and it is not unknown for a pack to come to an arrangement with specific individual supernatural creatures to allow them to pass through or live in pack territory unharmed.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Canis Lupus
Discovered by
Notable Individuals
Allison Argent 
Vernon Boyd 
Cora Hale 
Derek Hale 
Laura Hale 
Peter Hale 
Talia Hale 
Isaac Lahey 
Richard Loumis-Hale 
Scott McCall 
Erica Reyes 
Aiden Steiner 
Ethan Steiner

Articles under Werewolves


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