Showdown with Gerard Argent

Military action

25/3 18:00

The Hale Pack and McCall Pack and their allies face off against The Coalition and Gerard Argent and his Hunters.

Gerard and Matt Daehler are killed, and Jackson Whittemore is cured of being the Kanima.

Related Location
Hale House
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Jackson Whittemore (article)
Lahey-Whittemore Family Timeline (article)
Season 2: The Outcry of Wolves
Lydia Martin (article)
Derek Hale (article)
Vernon Boyd (article)
Martin Family Timeline (article)
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Hale Family Timeline (article)
Of Gods and Wolves Timeline
Danny Mahealani (article)
Argent Clan (article)
Argent Family Timeline (article)
Allison Argent (article)