Erica Reyes

Erica Maria Valentina Reyes

Erica Reyes is a Beta Werewolf and a member of the Hale-McCall Pack.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Although she no longer as seizures which are not directly triggered, and does not need to take medication for it, she is still epileptic, and will have seizures if exposed to certain stimulus, such as Kanima venom.

Body Features

She has scarring around her wrists, caused by electrical burns sustained when she was being tortured by Gerard Argent.

Special abilities

As a Beta werewolf, she possesses enhanced speed, strength, agility, endurance, and senses.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Erica was born in Fernley, Nevada, to Jaime Reyes and Lauren Reyes.

She had a very difficult birth, and was born with the umbilical chord wrapped around her neck. Doctors believe this was to blame for her epilepsy, which was diagnosed when she was only two years old.

She was unhappy at school and had few friends, in part due to her fits, which frightened the other children. She socialised far more with her relatives, especially her cousin David, who was two years older than her, but always willing to make the effort to include her.

Due to her lack of school friends, she spent most of her free time playing video games, and did make some friends through online gaming. Many of the games she played were recommended to her by David, who would play them to ensure they didn't include any flashing lights which could trigger a seizure before recomending them.

During her last year Junior High, she had a fit at school as a result of changes to her medication. A girl who had bullied Erica throughout school filmed the fit, and sent the video to all their classmates. Although most people recognised this as the revolting act of bullying it was, some joined Emily in her bullying. She was not even safe online, as Emily started repeatedly sending the video, or images from it, to her on social media, even going so far as to create new accounts when Erica blocked her so she could continue the harasment.

When Erica's parents complainted to the school, they were told there was nothing the school could do, since the bullying was taking place online rather than on school grounds. They therefore withdrew Erica from school, homeschooling her for the remainder of the year, and made plans to move to another school district.

Jaime had done some work in Beacon Hills many years before, investigating Margaret Miller's death, and he had been very taken with the town. He therefore moved the family over the state line into California, and they settled in Beacon Hills.

Already not especially social, the trauma of the bullying she suffered left Erica withdrawn and afraid to even try to make friends. She developed a crush on her classmate Stiles Stilinski, who had similar nerdy interests to her, but never plucked up the courage to speak to him.

During the spring semester of her sophomore year, she had a fit while attempting a climbing wall in the school gymnasium. She was saved from falling by Scott McCall, and taken to the hospital. While there, she met Derek Hale, who offered her the bite as a cure for her epilepsy, which she accepted.

Thanks to the newfound self-confidence granted to her by becoming a werewolf, combined with their shared status as Halloween Monsters, she finally did speak to Stiles, and they developed a close friendship, especially after he chewed out Derek for mistreating her and the other Hale Pack Betas.

She also grew close to the other Betas, especially Isaac Lahey.

To her horror, she discovered that, while she no longer needed her medication, she was not completely cured, as Kanima venom could still trigger seizures.

During her first full moon, she was able to regain her control, after Derek helped her to realise that Stiles was her anchor.

While investigating a disturbance at the Argent House, she was kidnapped by Gerard Argent, who used her and Stiles as hostages to force Derek into luring The Coalition into a trap.

They were both tortured while they were being held, which left her with scarring, and mental trauma.

In the aftermarth of the attack, she accepted that Stiles did not reciprocate her feelings, and began a relationship with Vernon Boyd.

Gender Identity

Although she identifies as a cis woman, Erica has a complicated and not always possitive relationship with femininity and womanhood, due to the ways her percieved lack of femininity was used as a weapon against her by bullies.

When she was first turned, she reinvented herself with a hard-femme look, which is still her default presentation, but she has also experimented with more masculine and gender non-conforming presentation, borrowing clothes from Isaac and Stiles.


She is still unpacking and figuring out her own sexuality. Among her close friends, she tends to describe herself as heteroflexible. She is equally attracted to Stiles whichever sex he is presenting as, and is not opposed to the idea of sex with women, although she is currently only interested in dating men.


Student at Beacon Hills High (C to B+)


She plays competative Soul Calibre and League of Legends, and has won prize money from tornament games, though not a significant amount. She is considering seriously training for Evo 2012.

Mental Trauma

She has trust issues as the result of the extreme bullying she suffered at her previous school, and is still mentally recovering from being tortured by Gerard Argent and his hunters.


Contacts & Relations

Erica is close friends with Stiles Stilinski, and he is also her anchor. They call one another Catwoman and Batgirl.

She is also close to Isaac, and very protective of him. Although their relationship involves a lot of flirting, most on Erica's side, and she calls him her baby boy, they are not sexually or romantically interested in one another.

She and Vernon Boyd have been dating for four months, and are very happy together.

Family Ties

Erica has close relationships with her immediate and extended family. Her cousin David is one of her closest friends.

Religious Views

She was raised Catholic, although she had a faith crisis after the bullying she suffered, and stopped attending church.

She believes the gods she knows exist, such as Kybele, are powerful supernatural beings, rather than gods, and considers herself agnostic.

Hobbies & Pets

She has a cat named Noodle, and is trying to persuade her parents to let her get a snake, but they are refusing due to the fact that she'll be leaving for college in a couple of years.


Vernon Boyd


Towards Erica Reyes


Erica Reyes


Towards Vernon Boyd


Stiles Stilinski 
Worm Moon
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
16th August 1995
Year of Birth
1995 CE 17 Years old
Fernley, Nevada
Vernon Boyd (boyfriend)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
English (native), Spanish (native)
Ruled Locations


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