

Of the beasts spawned by Phorcys and Ceto, the chimeras are easily the strangest. While the general image of a chimera is that of a great lion with an additional goat’s head and a snake for a tail, in truth, chimeras vary as much as the wildlife around them. Regardless of the features of the parents, a newborn chimera will hatch from its egg with the features of at least three different beasts that live in the vicinity of its nest. Chimeras have been found resembling boars with an additional varanus head and a wyvern’s wings, or resembling a giant salmon with alligator and mosquito heads. This makes them terrifyingly adaptable, but fortunately chimeras have a low enough birth rate not to create an ecosystem-destroying threat.  
Chimera breeding is a dangerous prospect, but some brave (or foolhardy) individuals have attempted breeding them for specific features and a modicum of domestication. Few thus far have worked in this industry without being devoured.
Ogygian chimeras can be represented by the Theran chimera, using the customization table to vary its biology.

Basic Information


Varies to an extent. All chimeras are hybrids of three (rarely more) creatures from the local ecosystem where they were born, with one creature being treated as the "primary" body and the others emerging as secondary and tertiary heads and contributing additional anatomy to the primary base.

Genetics and Reproduction

Chimeras are hermaphrodites, but require two parents. One parent will lay 1-3 eggs, which it will lay in a safe location and then abandon. The outer shells become incredibly hard a day or two after being laid, but are soft enough on the inside that the young can emerge after two weeks of gestation. Young immediately go their separate ways.

Growth Rate & Stages

A young chimera will grow to adulthood after two months. Every three weeks, the chimera will encase itself within a soft pupa created from secretions similar to sweat from all over its body, which it will remain in for three days before emerging in a larger, more developed form. This process stops after the chimera is fully developed and reaches adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

Newborn chimeras are adapted to the environment they are born in.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Almost always carnivorous, even if composed entirely of herbivorous creatures.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Varies depending on the creatures contributing to the chimera's form, but most have some form of darkvision.



Genetic Descendants
Spawn of Phorcys and Ceto
90 years
Average Height
15 feet
Average Length
30 feet
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by huadong lan