

Like the centaurs, satyrs are offshoots of nymphs, but often are much less serious about their role in life. These nymph-descendents are human in shape, but their furred lower bodies end in goat legs, and their skin often matches their fur in hue and patterning. Their eyes have the same horizontal pupils of a goat, and a variety of curling horns grow from the skulls of both males and females. Some even have plants growing from their bodies; grape vines growing naturally over one’s horns are a particular icon of satyr beauty.  
While centaur culture busies itself with war, satyrs are strongly empathetic and their culture focuses on nourishment, growth, and life. Satyrs devoted to the wilderness will tend to the stability of their surroundings, using both agriculture and magic to coax flowers and trees to flourish. When work is done, songs, drink, and games are shared; even humanoids are welcome to these revelries if they behave, which has led to the assumption that satyrs care for nothing but partying. In truth, they work tirelessly for their goals, only celebrating to share the reward of a job well done and feeding off the life and joy around them.
Some satyrs choose to leave the wilderness and embark on the life of an adventurer, but a small few, their empathy twisted by the fires of conflict, reject the ideas of any sort of order. These satyrs take mischievousness to the point of cruelty, manipulating others into their own destruction and wielding magics to immolate man and nymph alike. As war spreads through Ogygia, more and more satyrs have been seen following this path.
by Kem



Nymph descendent
150 years
Average Height
4-7 feet
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
by Jaasif

Cover image: by huadong lan