The Nymphs


While the the warrior-rulers claim Ogygia's settlements and civilization through martial law, the wilderness is ruled by the nymphs and their kin. Each nymph is a manifestation of some formation in the natural world, and the health of the nymph is intrinsically linked to the state of its particular formation: Aurae and Nephele, who manifest from breezes and clouds; Alseids, Auloniads, and Oreads, who manifest from groves, pastures, and mountains; Anthousai, Dryads, and Kissiae, who manifest from flowers, trees, and vines; Naiads and Nereids, who manifest from freshwater and saltwater. Not every formation has a nymph, but those that do are treated with the utmost protection by their kin, and new nymphs could spawn from anything in nature. It is little wonder that the nymphs have taken it upon themselves to maintain the health and prosperity of Ogygia's natural world.    
Little wonder, too, that Ogygia's war-torn society and environmental damage caused by conflicts have placed the nymphs in an antagonistic relationship with most humanoid civilization in Ogygia. While most settlements are not outright attacked by the nymphs without reason, large-scale operations for deforestation, mining, or river blockage that the nymphs do not approve of frequently meet with sudden natural disasters, if not direct assault from the elemental spirits or the transformation of workers and soldiers into feral abominations. Even established structures are steadily encroached upon by nature, and while larger settlements have military forces to defend them, smaller villages are subject to the whims of the nymphs just as much as their ruling warrior-kings.
Despite this defensiveness,


Alongside the nymphs themselves are their kin: centaurs, satyrs, and tritons, the majority of whom live freely among the nymphs and serve their purposes in safeguarding the natural world or defending against aggressors. The nymphs do not reject any others who wish to live among them and serve their agendas, either, though they remain cautious.  

The Pans


Most beings who serve the nymphs sit at the lowest level of the hierarchy, while the nymphs themselves have little to no organization or order among each other.   The only exception to this is the Pans, embodiments of intangible aspects of nature. They serve as leaders of the nymphs and guardians of all Ogygia, and while they may be harmed or even killed, their respective manifestations never seem to fade. It is believed that they are reincarnations or aspects of a singular entity, for only one Pan manifests at a time through history. The current manifestations are the exception: Agrea and Nomia, the twin Pans who still share thoughts, memories, and feelings as if they were the same entity in two bodies.



Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Cover image: by huadong lan