

Like the satyrs and centaurs of the land, tritons are the aquatic descendents of nymphs. These fish-people are equally at home in freshwater and saltwater, though while most have legs, those who live exclusively out at sea or in the depths of the ocean have entirely foregone legs in favor of a fish’s tail. In all cases, their humanoid bodies are coated in iridescent scales and flowing or jagged fins, and their heads are those of groupers, swordfish, sturgeons, or their ilk. Even those with legs have a long tail tipped with a swimming fin, and all have both gills and lungs to travel by water or land.  
Tritons are largely content to keep to the water, where they aid aquatic nymphs in tending to life by and below the water and fending off violent invaders. Much like the ebb and flow of the ocean, tritons tend to be impassive toward non-aggressive intrusions, and despite their sometimes frightening appearance, they are the nymph-descendents most likely to offer aid to humanoids in need. Some tritons even choose to leave gifts of fresh seafood for benevolent surface-dwellers, offering little to no explanation of their intentions.
However, when pushed to anger, they are relentless and unforgiving, crashing down on their oppressors with the force of a tidal wave. Ships or boats filled with regular travelers are usually not enough to draw their ire, but hydras and cetea (due to their destructive potential) or operations for large-scale fishing or terraforming are immediate offenses to the tritons’ protection.



Nymph descendent
100 years
Average Height
5-7 feet
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Cover image: by huadong lan