
The second wave of "Constructed Humans", Fleshwarp share similarities with countless other species yet come with their own strange deformities, like additional eyes, arms, mouths, or sometimes more extreme modifications.

Basic Information


The anatomy of Fleshwarps varies incredibly, moreso than any other species, as each individual Fleshwarp has their own make and quirks. A usual shared characteristic between all Fleshwarps is they end up more resilient than a normal human, due to changes to the skin and bones of the individual.

Dietary Needs and Habits

More often than not, Fleshwarp have biologically altered digestive systems, requiring them to eat more meat than other species or they devolve into a more primal-like state until this need is satiated.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Before the disappearance of Dr. Ruthel, Fleshwarp in Thiriel were used as slaves and occasionally as a food source to sustain the large industrial city. This was mostly done right under the Lord In Reds nose and when the doctor disappeared this practice was stopped, though some smaller groups still treat Fleshwarp as lesser beings.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Fleshwarp are usually found around Karica and Thiriel, due to the industrial city of Crullfield being where the first Fleshwarp were created. There is also a large Fleshwarp population in the area around Sciadan and Osteodor.

Average Intelligence

Fleshwarp usually share the intelligence of a human, however in a lot of cases when a Fleshwarp is made from scratch and not an augmented human, they can end up monstrous and bestial in intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fleshwarps do not differ much from humans, however depending on the augmentations they have been commonly implanted with better or more eyes, along with echolocation and tremorsense.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Fleshwarp take on names from every other sapient species, though as most don't know biological family they take upon the names of important people or figures within their life.

Major Organizations

Fleshwarp are loosely organized compared to other species, though notable groups include the Thiriel Military, which is largely made up of Fleshwarp who fight for Thiriel. Another notable group is the Sciadan Ironmouth Greenhouse Farms, a large group of the more "feral" and "evil" versions of Fleshwarp who are making steady strides in providing more ethical meat for all their brothers and integrating themselves into Sciadan's society.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

A common custom seen amongst Fleshwarp is their sense of kinship with one another. While they will still have disagreements like regular humans their default demeanor to one another seems amicable, going as far as to refer to each other as cousin.


Aside from naturally created Fleshwarp monsters, also known as Abberations by most, Fleshwarp are a relatively newer species, the oldest known ones being created around 400 years ago. While these older Fleshwarp exist, they were only mass created about 120 years ago with the Lord In Red, Vaubryn, turning himself into a Fleshwarp to extend his lifespan and watch over his kingdom of Thiriel for longer.

Historical Figures

Fleshwarp rarely regard their historical figures with any sense of reverence, they are however as follows:   Vaubryn, The Lord In Red: The king of Thiriel and the first Fleshwarp in the new age of mass manufactured ones.   Dr. Ruthel: The creator of them all, a doctor who disappeared ages ago after creating the Fleshwarp   Ratham: An ancient sorcerer capable of stealing magic from others, the oldest known Fleshwarp predating them all by 2000 years, though is the only case of this.   Buddy: The only figure in Fleshwarp history that they have grown to respect, Buddy is an Ironmouth that leads the Sciadan Ironmouth Greenhouse Farms, a series of abandoned buildings, farms and greenhouses that have been transformed into ranches by the Ironmouths to provide steady and ethical food for their brothers. The name Buddy was given to him by the fabled hero Alador.
Genetic Descendants
Varies Heavily
Average Height
Varies Heavily
Average Weight
Varies Heavily
Average Length
Varies Heavily
Geographic Distribution


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