Larc Eastern Magic College

The magic college to the East of Larc, residing within the Dock district.

Purpose / Function

The Eastern Magic College, also known as the college of valor, is one of the largest magic institutions in the world, let alone the largest magic school. It's purpose stands to mentor any magically inclined individuals and even those who may think they initially were not, harboring constant generations of mages and bards.


The college has stood relatively the same since its creation, its only notable additions being the construction of additional rooms, a storage basement and a garden to the side of it.


The college itself holds the same defenses as Larc, the city it's built in, though has an extra layer on top of it, the head of student learning, Athanasia Ilfirin, holds off any would be miscreants and attckers seemingly singlehandedly. Alongside Athanasia, the halls are patrolled by a suit of Living Armor resembling the late founder, Dean Yesxidor.


The college first rose as an argument between two elven bards, Nym Yesxidor and Vale Yesxidor, brothers who made a long lasting bet on who's institution would prosper more and last longer. For many years, Nym's college was far, far superior as it was regarded as the most prestigious school in all the lands.

Unfortunately, the bet has since been made null and void due to Nym's passing at the hands of Ratham, the two schools now largely working together instead of as rivals, though the students still regularly compete.


Many who don't attend the school still end up visiting it just to see what all the fuss is about and to visit the garden and library, which are open to the public. The library itself is grand and holds countless knowledge, but what people really go the for is the peace and quiet, as due to the large conglomeration of magic in this one area, a lot of the books become animated, some lone pages animated as well, forming folded sentient paper animals like origami cranes and the like.
College / Academy
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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