Earth Geographic Location in Old Canon | World Anvil

Earth (UR--TH)


Earth is a world with a vast ocean separated by serval large landmasses dotted with deserts, mountains, and thick forests. After the great Sword War, most of the people on the surface live in vast complex cities near the center of the land to avoid the violent tsunamis and waves of the seas. These cities can be built into the sides of vast mountain ranges or even in underground caverns.


The Great Samurai War

Earth was the birthplace and training grounds of Hamada Kenji, to this day, widely considered the Greatest Samurai to ever live. He never lost a battle and his vassals were among the mightiest around the Universe. Kenji retired to Earth and developed a dojo of his own, one where he began to train the next generation of Samurai. Of the, were his prized top students; Ichinomiya Aira and Tentō Nozomi. Upon Kenji's death, he left the future of the Samurai to his students.    Aira, the more skilled of the two, allied herself with the Future War Empire, a move Kenji had been against for a very long time now. Earth sat on a vital Line, one that connects serval other prominent systems together, to capture Earth would be a great strategic advantage. Nozomi refused to allow the final resting place of her Master to be used in a political war and opposed Aira, who hoped she would join her.
This event was known as the Great Samurai War and was a brutal conflict, in the end, Nozomi killed Aira and defended Earth from the Empire. However, due to her weakened state, Nozomi would eventually concede to the United Stellar Commonwealth and allow Earth to become a Member World, on the condition the planet retains autonomy and independence from Commonwealth Command. 

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Alternative Name(s)
Heart of Swordsmen
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS