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Baron Francis Greywild

Baron Francis Greywild was one of the original 12 Barons of the Statehood and helped establish it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Greywild was on the very last boat to escape Rodina during the great migration. During the journey the older man helped keep people calm and together. When they had finally arrived on land they established a small settlement in the massive empty fields near a small creek. Before long everyone had voted Greywild as their leader due to his wisdom and good nature.   As time passed they found other settlements and started to trade with those nearby. When the Statehood was instated Greywild gladly joined on.   The now Baron Greywild was one of the two barons who did not vote for the passing of the isolation act.   In 25 4e the settlement and entire region started to suffer from constant attacks from Shallow Stalkers. Some of the nearby provinces tried to help, but the issue was too minor for the Statehood itself to justify sending guards from the border wall to deal with them, afraid that they would leave themselves too exposed. Eventually it became too much and the people of the province of Greyweld were forced to abandon the area heading further north in 26 4e.   Asher Dragon-Leaf, Cal Cium, and Gileon, while attempting to bring down Baron Rolan Torrid, met with Baron Greyweld and attempted to gain his favor. He said that if they would help his people be able to migrate to the State of Stoneshield, they would have his vote, and elected Asher as his advisor.   After getting everyone to Stoneshield he thanked them, and offered to bring up breaking the isolation pact during the Statehood Assembly.   During the Assembly, Greywild put up the vote trying to repeal the Isolation act, but it was about to fail with only 60% of the vote agreeing to drop it, but Baron Torrid was killed by a member of his secret police, now free. After the chaos of the attack, and the nature of Torrid's plans revealed, the vote passed a second time, and everyone but Baron Donovin Vostwik agreed to drop it. After a few hours the Barons agreed that things were not working out, and offered to take King Rain's offer and join the The Kingdom of Brennis.   Nearly everyone in the Statehood and at the assembly was happy to finally end the cold war. Baron Greywild was finally at peace and thanked Asher, Cal, and Gil for their help and went to sleep that night never to wake up. Asher was given his newly acquired title of Count and had him later buried in Greenbound Grove cemetery.   The former State of Greywild was renamed Dragon-Leaf by Count Asher Dragon-Leaf.   While only a select few knew Francis Greywild, he's considered by them to have been caring leader who was depressed by the guilt he had for the suffering of those in his care.
Date of Death
27 4e
Circumstances of Death
Died in his sleep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization


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