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Baroness Talia Stoneshield

Baroness Talia Stoneshield was one of the original 12 Barons of the Statehood and helped establish it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Talia Stoneshield was born to a well known family of soldiers and warriors in The Kingdom of Acaron. In her youth she was training to become a royal guard for the kingdom. Eventually she was assigned to protect Duchess Lidia Rosewall. During the rise of the Colossus she acted as Lady Rosewall's personal guard. She, along with Lady Rosewall, fled Rodina and arrived in Orisia months later.   During the few first weeks she oversaw construction of camp defences and helped fight against @Kobold attacks. When Lionel Brennis summoned all the leaders of the settlements around Orisia she attended with Lady Rosewall. When Edgar was captured and revealed to be the assassin that killed Elisa Brennis and had been hired by Lady Rosewall, Talia didn't hesitate and arrested her. Despite having guarded her for over ten years, she saw that she was in the wrong, and turned on her.    After Lady Rosewall had been arrested, those of the recently formed The Statehood were disgusted by her actions, but praised Talia for her honor and justice and asked if she would return to the camp she had helped make as their new leader, and to join the Statehood. She agreed and earned the title of Baron Stoneshield.   In 12 4e Talia Stoneshield and Ivan Galahan were married. Following the territorial annexation rule, one of them was to abdicate their title to prevent an extra vote among barons. To everyone's surprise, including Talia, Ivan abdicated his title and kept Talia as the Baroness. The State of Galahan and Stoneshield fused later that month.     in 14 4e Talia and Ivan had a son, who she named Ivan after her husband.    in 26 4e the statehood collapsed and shortly there after joined the The Kingdom of Brennis. Talia was given the title of countess and her husband Ivan the title of count.
Date of Death
49 4e
Circumstances of Death
Died of cancer
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements


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