
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." - Alexander Pope
Angels are beings that were created by the god of life. They are spirits that possess wings and are native to Heaven. No one knows the true form of these beings as even in heaven they tended not to take them.   They are generally believed to be split into three groups: Archangels: The biological children of the goddess of life. Seraphim: The angels created by the goddess of life. Blood Angels: Blood Angels were once ArchAngels in service to the God of Life. They relished in the red blood of their enemies and became obsessed with it. Going to greater lengths to prolong the death they dealt in order to see the blood they began to cherish. The Goddess of Life didn't know how to help them, but Rhaego had seen how useful these creatures could be and took them into his own service. They still uphold Life's goals, they just are not as wholesome as the God of Life wanted from her servants. They have alabaster, almost marble white, skin. Those that do have wings, tend to be the colour of freshly spilt, or dried blood. Their eyes are always a shade of blood, ranging from bright crimson to a dark reddish-brown. They are often covered in self-inflicted scars making their flesh seem engraved with arcane runes or divine scripture.

Basic Information


Angels can make themselves look like regular humans but in their true form, they possess two to six wings, all depending on their rank in the hierarchy of Heaven. Because Angels are imbued with the holy white light, demons cannot look upon them in their angelic forms without damaging their host. If an Angel dies, shadows of their wings are burned into the surface beneath them.   Angels are capable of feeling emotions. They used to prefer to remain emotionless and live without feelings. They also don't have true free will, as they can be controlled by their spark or grace.   Angels tend to refer to each other as brothers and sisters. They call the Goddess of Life their mother/father. Some angels resent and look down upon humans as lesser beings. When an Angel is tortured, their screams cause ripples that cause unlikely things to happen.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Astral Projection: Angels can project their wings onto surfaces at will. When an Angel is killed, its wings are burned onto the surface upon which it died.
  • Dream Walking: Angels are able to appear in the dreams of mortals. They do this when they wish to communicate with mortals if they cannot find the person, or they need to speak privately with them.
  • Eidetic Memory: Angels know of every prophecy that has ever been predicted. This makes them aware of any timeline changes and reality warping.
  • Electric Manipulation: Angels are capable of controlling electrical currencies.
  • Flight: Angels can only fly but, only when their wings are out.
  • Immortality: Angels will live forever unless they are killed. They also do not age and they cannot be hurt by mortal diseases but can get corrupted by mortals.
  • Invisibility: This is more like hiding in plain sight, where people tend not to notice them should they not want to be noticed, except by those who are extremely magically gifted.
  • Protective Charm: An Angel can put a protective charm on any mortal that they would like to. This charm makes them almost invincible to physical harm. Angels commonly do this to mortals they find more interesting or ones they have fallen in love with.
  • Pyrokinesis: Angels can cause burns on other things and beings at will.
  • Regeneration: Angels can be healed from most injuries if given enough time, the things that take the longest are angelic or demonic weapons with demonic weapons being very dangerous.
  • Supernatural perception: Angels can see most supernatural activity around them.
  • Telepathy: Angels can read most minds and speak to others in their minds. Particularly powerful angels can pull one into their mindscape.
  • Summon Weapon: Angels can summon their angelic weapon and hide weapons in their spark or grace. For some angels born as twins, their angelic weapon is hidden inside of their twin.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names usually end ael or iel.   Ie. Michael, Samael, Barachiel.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
Male: 5’ - 6’6”   Female: 4'7" - 6’1"
Average Weight
Male: 130 - 220 lbs   Female: 95 - 185 lbs


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