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1st Serran Empire

The First Serran Empire was founded by Serra, the prophet of Faeriel. It had it's beginnings in Serra's Landing, the first city they founded in former Mantaritaray Territory. From there it conquered all of what was considered Tartayl, and its legendary status lead to the continent's name to be supplanted by Serra. It is known for being one of the most hypermatriarchal societies in history, seemingly as a reaction to the patriarchal empire it had defeated. At it's height men had been reduced to little more than property to their wives and harsh penalties were commonly enacted against those who questioned womens authority. The 1st Serran Empire like most other empires collapsed as the 2nd Metza came, the enormous planet-wide storm caused panic and hysteria and eventually total anarchy. Zaresct, the only part of the empire that the Empress held together was reorganised into an Orangi Tributary.


The Serran Empire originated from a loose confederation of Kazetani tribes known as the Serran Alliance. The Kazetani tribes reunited under Serra, who after having successfully awoken Faeriel became a religious icon overnight. Faerielite religion allowed the tribes to put aside their petty squabbles to fight The Mantarit Empire that had recently resumed their campaign of conquest and extermination against them. After winning the battle of Kazet, The Serran Alliance launched an invasion of Zaresct to strike back and liberate the Ankarit natives from Mantarit rule. They saw staggering success, the bloated stagnant and over extended Mantarit Empire could not withstand the invasion and this was a major factor that lead to the Mantarit Warlord Period.    When Serra died in 33:1 she had no designated successor. This in combination with the two different religious interpretations of her death, Faerielite Orthodoxy and Saerielism divided the young empire leading to the Serran Civil War. Their vulnerability lead to various Mantarit warlords to relaunch attacks on them to recreate the Mantarit Empire and the state religious fundamentalism fueled resistance groups such as The Rasker Rebels who also played a major part in the civil war. When the dust settled, Saerielism had emerged victorious. This revision of previous Faerielite doctrine claimed that Serra's soul joined Faeriel in the sky to form a two spirit being known as Saeriel. It introduced the idea of reincarnation and is unique in that it is one of the few Faerielite religions to use a unique name for Faeriel.    When the civil war was over, Zelazami, the new Empress continued the conquest of Tartayl, easily subjugating the splintered Mantarit Warlords. She managed to convince the Mlissos to peacefully submit to Serran rule with promises that they be given great autonomy and sway in imperial politics. The Mlissos having developed a unique religion based on their interpretation of Faeriel's appearance accepted the offer of their fellow Faerielites, in what was known as The Sorhisson Treaty. The Mlissos having never been a unified culture previously were hostile by this decision by their leaders and launched a wave of separatist movements. The Cosoliss Tribe along with several others sucessfully threw off Serran rule, and maintained independence up until the Age of Night.    Zelazami was succeeded by Kazenra who began the long tradition of Proselytism in Azeyzela where the new Azettyzayrel Empire was rising to power and Kazenra was attempting to align it with Serran interests. The hundreds of years long effort to spread Saerielite religion saw little success in Azeyzela, it was more successful in the subjugated cultures like the Mantarit and the Ankarit. The Mlissos reacted to the conversion effort with more rebellions. Coming up to the end of the first Metza in 913:1, Empress Serra III began a full scale invasion of Azeyzela to impose Saerielite doctrine on the continent. This devastating almost 90 year conflict became a painful stalemate which was only ended by the Arrival of The Age of Night.


When the Age of Night came and the sky was blotted out by immense storms, the Serrans believed that the heavens had been swallowed and Faeriel was no more. Chaos broke out amongst the population, whose zealotry stemming from the effectiveness of the Theocratic state apparatus caused the total collapse of society. As the extreme weather turned vast swathes of the empire uninhabitable, hundreds of thousands would have died during this period. Eventually, Zaresct was stabilised into a somewhat functioning successor state, barely clinging to life. When they made contact with The Orange Empire of Night, which formed a few years before the stabilisation, they were offered Oranges, the key to survival in perpetual storm, in exchange for their alliegence. Zaresct had no choice to submit to Orange rule or else severe malnourishment would kill them all. This effectively ended the existence of any independent Serran nation for the next few hundred years.
Dissolution Date
Geopolitical, Empire
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