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Wyndelkynd is the third planet from Raugar and has one, moon called Festakynd. It was also orbitted by Faeriel, a magical being worshipped by a majority of the planet's inhabitants as their god, until she was killed in The War of Bloodied Feathers. The Population of Wyndelkynd is 8 Billion, concentrated mostly in Azeyzela and Gwargiwa.        


  Wyndelkynd is The homeworld of the Wyndelkyndians. Once the home of an advanced nomadic civilisation called The Zamiotl, who were responsible for the planet's anomalies. It is impossible for The Wyndelkyndians to understand exactly how old the planet is. But they can understand vaguely where it is from.     The Zamiotl Archives have revealed that this planet was once a barren rock millions of light years away from it's present location. It was picked up by a Zamiotl Flock and converted into a planetship by The Faeries that travelled with them. It was around this time that this flock was discovered by a Zilloizillo Hunter. This empire was becoming increasingly powerful in the Zannizatnizirriaccanfazamiotlioc and for reasons still not fully understood sought to eradicate The Zamiotl. This caused a mass exodus from their traditional nomadic territories, and the flock began to fan out as they fled to confuse and hopefully lose The Zilloizillo. This is when our world became known as Harrittanzincizinccan, as it had developed independence from those Planetship Clans which previously dominated it. Harrittanzincizinccan roughly translates to Homeplanet of the Zincizinc.   Unluckily for The Zincizinc, they didn't lose the Zilloizillo, they made the decision to retreat from their moon(where the entire population lived) and terraform Harrittanzincizinccan into a habitable world where they could hide. The Faerie that travelled with Harrittanzincizinccan carried out the terraformation. It was rushed within 20 years, instead of taking a couple hundred years. This meant that the process was somewhat incomplete, which is the main reason so many anomalies still remain on the planet. It also weakened The Faerie substantially. The Zamiotl built a colony on the surface, concealing it using a storm generator. When The Zilloizillo Hunter arrived a devastating battle ensued. It ended with the elimination of The Zamiotl on the moon, severe injury of Faeriel and the retreat of The Zilloizillo Hunter after facing fearsome retaliation.   The Zamiotl colonists would become the descendents of the current occupants of the planet, The Wyndelkyndians.        


  Technically there is no natural geography on Wyndelkynd. But an effort was made by Faeriel to emulate natural geography in order to blend in. The modern continents were created during the Terraformation.   Pagaema is the largest of the continents, which is divided into three sub-continents, Serra, Azeyzela and Reykelrotk. The climate on Pagaema varies greatly, with lush rainforests and warm beaches in Serra, plains, mountains and deserts in Southern Azeyzela, vast forests both temperate and boreal in North Azeyzela, giant mountains surrounded by tundras in North Reyk and rainforests on The Skiver Peninsula. The Orange Isles are a smattering of Islands mostly concentrated in The Orange Sea, which lies between Serra and Reykelrotk, the islands that make up the region are almost entirely covered in tropical rainforest climates. South of Reykelrotk in The Azure Sea lies Gwargiwa, a continent long hidden by the storm generator which made the surrounding sea impenetrable. The continent itself is for the most part rainforest, the southern regions are typically dryer and sparser. Finally the Continent at the South Pole, Ekka. A majority of this continent is rendered uninhabitable both by occupation by the planetary thruster and the fields of snow which cover both it and the land surrounding it.   The Underworld's geography also came about during Terraformation. Regions where landmasses were being created saw major distortions whereas the areas that would become the sea remained for the most part unchanged. These distortions produced regions of hills and mountains which rose toward the undersun. These regions are where majority of mineral transmutations occurred making them excellent for mining. Despite it's isolation from the surface, the extensive cave networks in the inner crust are home to a lithic ecosystem not seen anywhere in the outer crust. This ecosystem seems to have been designed as a way to transfer energy from the undersun to the detritus layer.  
darkgreen is rainforest/tropical, green is dryer forestry, orange is savannah/plains, yellow is desert, grey is tundra and boreal, white is arctic and permafrost.    


  Perhaps the first anomaly that comes to mind is the prescence of Faeriel in orbit over our planet, who after a period of regeneration reawoke and began the First Metza. Faeriel has undergone changes since her time serving The Zamiotl, she has developed her new magical tendency which scientists were surprised to learn did not exist then. With her magical tendency, It is speculated that the Zilloizillo may return.   On the South Pole stands a giant machine which served as a thruster back when the planet was mobile. In the centre of Gwargiwa stands Gorrowanna, the giant golden city which served as The Zamiotl colony to hide away from The Zilloizillo. The city was initially the only entrance to the Underworld until new tunnels were dug.   The centre of the planet is hollow, with a core known as the undersun, all of which is held in place by anti-gravitational technology which is still not fully understood. It is understood to arise from what little of the technology inside the detritus layer functions, this layer of mostly crushed and mangled technology lies beneath the inner and outer crusts. Other functioning technology is present in the detritus layer like heaters which make life on the surface possible. There is still much that scientists do not understand about the detritus layer, but increasingly it seems to be extremely important to life on the surface, which has lead to extensive legislation barring it's exploitation by mining cooperatives. A small section of the detritus layer spills out onto the seafloor in The Valetl Sea, this small region under the sea saw very little manipulation by the terraformation and is an important archaological site.   The outer crust is between 5 to 60 kilometers thick depending on the altitude of the land on it's surface. The detritus sprawls 100 kilometers deep before the inner crust has a more consistent depth, ranging between 30 to 60 kilometers in depth. This layer of the planet contains unique minerals not found in the over crust which were produced by the unique ecology in the cave systems here which is also theorised to be the detritus' source of power.        


  Wyndelkyndian history for the most part has been divided into Metza, blocks of 1000 years which mark a quarter of the Faerie cycle. But the Metza Cycle didnt always exist. All history that took place before it is thus known as Pre-history. Most of prehistory is known as The Grounded Period, when the descendents of the Zincizinc started to migrate out of Gorrowanna after technological regression lead to many conflicts and wars over prescious artefacts. The Middle Grounded Period saw a massive migration out of Gwargiwa, the continent on which Gorrowanna was built. The first places discovered were The Orange Isles, and then Azeyzela was discovered and slowly inhabited. The late Grounded saw the development of agriculture and urban settlements which lead into The Classical Period. This period saw the rise of the first intercontinental empire, The Mantaritaray. Their society was very different to those that succeeded it. It was patriarchal, believing that men were inherently superior to women, as such most of their leaders were men. They also believed the stars were evil gods on their way to eat the planet and that the moon was protecting them. The Mantarit Empire dominated Tartayl(the original name for Serra) and The West of Azeyzela for nearly 1000 years, but their ultimate collapse came as The 1st Metza arrived, ending the Classical Period. 
The Mantaritaray Empire at it's maximum extent.   The 1st Metza, particularly the first hundred years were regarded as a legendary period by The Serrans. Serra, the leader of a small city on the island of Khaletzaic recieved visions from Faeriel as she appeared in the sky with a great light. In this vision she was taught the rotations of the planet and the Faerie cycle. Using this knowledge she invented The Serran Calendar which we still use today. She became the spiritual representative of Faeriel on the planet and lead her armies on a crusade to conquer Tartayl from the Mantarit. Thus The Serran Empire was created. It would survive long after Serra and her name would gradually supplant the name given to the continent by The Mantarit(though this name is still used by the modern Mantarit and Valet). 
The Serran Empire at it's maximum extent.   In Gwargiwa, Faeriel was recieved with hostility as the local religion, The Rauganites, worshipped the Sun and saw Faeriel as a celestial predator hunting the sun.   The Second Metza flipped civilisation on its head, as Faeriel reached the lowest point in her cycle, it triggered a global storm which practically blotted out the sun for about 300 years, with another 200 years of extreme weather before subsiding. Every empire that existed at this point practically collapsed from histeria. The Orange Isles however, which was disunited, were no strangers to storms since The Azure Sea lies just West of The Orange Sea and they travelled there frequently when fishing, though unable to penetrate deep into the storms to discover Gwargiwa. Likewise Gwargiwa were used to stormy weather, since they lived on top of a storm generator, though the weather over the land was much calmer that that at sea. Thus through some careful alliances and conquests The Orange Empire of Night was born. They avoided malnourishment by eating the orange fruit native to their land which contained the chemicals they got from sunlight. Soon after uniting they approached many coastal dwelling Pagaemans offering oranges in exchange for their alliegance. Very quickly they expanded along the coasts. After a few decades of severe malnourishment the orange trade spanned the globe and began to attend to everyones needs. As the pagaemans started to develop their own orange orchards and the storms were fading, they rebelled in a series of uprisings known as The Tributary Wars.   The Third Metza saw the rebuilding of old empires. The Mantarit were once again free, but to their south The Serrans were also there. The Azeyzelan and Reyk tributaries who cooperated extensively in the Tributary Wars were united by Tar Jullel, a new religious philosophy that believed that Pagaema needed to be united against invaders. It was essentially Pan-Pagaeman Nationalism. Valetl was unfortunately placed during The Age of Night, they had limited access to The Orange Trade and thus sickness and despondency hurt them enormously. Many fled to the West Coast of Azeyzela where they could more easily access the trade. This diaspora would create their own empire and return to Valetl, while continuing to expand into Azeyzela. The Serrans and Mantaritaray inevitably came into conflict, The Serrans emerged victorious and reconquered The Mantarit. There were several attempts by The Orange Empire to reassert itself most of which failed and all of which eventually failed. The Tar Jullel Union drove out the young Valetl Empire and for the first time, united Azeyzela and Reykelrotk.   The Fourth Metza is viewed by Gwargiwans(primarily older generations) as a legendary period. However most other groups resent this narrative given that they were heavily colonised by their empire. The study of Faeriel was yielding the first stirrings of magic, which was immediately outlawed as witchcraft.   This metza was a high period in the Faerie cycle which caused magic to swell powerfully, which made it easier to discover and also made it vastly stronger. The rapidly growing underground Faeriel worshipping Sect was organising to overthrow the Sun-worshippers. The Sun-worshippers had developed a highly centralised Theocracy in order to root out heresy, but the Faerielite Revolution succeeded mostly due to utilising magic. They established A New Gwargiwan Empire. They had an advising council of religious leaders serving their Emperor who is elected amongst the richest class. Magical developments lead to the ability to cross The Azure Sea and for the first time, see the other continents. This coincided with a rise in the radical elements of The Faerielites who after hearing about other lands sought to conquer the entire world. There was a power struggle in the leadership, backed by majority of the religious council the radicals overthrew the moderates and declared The Empire of Faeriel, beginning their world conquest. During their surprise invasion of The Orange Isles, a political crisis occurred when the colonial administration and the religious council who had deradicalised tried to end the war with the help of Orangi Resistance. They failed and the religious council was abolished. Conquests continued. As Pagaema got more desperate they united under The Tar Jullel Union, which Serra had initially opposed, this happened just before the complete defeat of Reykelrotk. Studies into the enemy's magic lead to breakthroughs of their own. The Empire of Faeriel also discovered and colonised the continent of The South Pole, which, curiously, had up until now never been touched by Wyndelkyndian Civilisation. Early industrialism took place during this metza.   The Fith Metza saw the eruption of Tykyrrianism. Throughout the 4th Metza industrialisation was taking place, spurred by the incoming wealth exploited from other nations and studies in magics interactions with the physical world(aerynology) the developing intelligentsia began a flourishing of thought. Tykyrra is one of the most feared of the philosophers of the metza. He developed many ideas still important today, such as pioneering Idyllic Democracy and Men's Liberation. But he is most despised for his namesake, Tykyrrianism, the tenet of his philosophy calling for the eradication of Faeriel. Believing that Faeriel was harmful to the planet's environment, citing among many things The Second Metza when civilisation almost collapsed due to Faeriel's low period in her cycle, and warning that it would happen again in the sixth metza. He called for the dismantling of Matriarchy as well as calling for the dismantling of The Empire of Fariel and it's replacement with an egalitarian society. Nevertheless his ideas slowly spread until in the advent of The Fifth Metza the culmination of hundreds of years of political organisation in the working class lead to the Tykyrrian Revolution, with the new metza magic weakened as the high period was ending, which gave the revolutionaries an edge as the elite soldiers of The Empire of Faeriel were heavily specialised in magic. The Central Government of The Empire of Faeriel collapsed, but their empire would survive another 500 years, when the Azeyzelan Colony declared itself the 2nd Empire of Faeriel after which they destroyed a rebellion and lost some territory against the Azeyzelans in The Tar Jullel Union. This claim was contested by The Reykelrotk Colony which after putting down its own revolution maintained control.    Serra had managed to drive out any occupation in their territory. The Tykyrrian Revolution was actually applauded intially by the international community, after overthrowing the colonialist Empire of Faeriel. However Gwargiwa's political isolation increased as Faerielite and Tykyrrian hostility over their religious views increased.   After The 1st Faeriel Empire's fall, The Tar Jullel Union collapsed as pan-pagaeman ideas had fallen out. Archaeology in Gorrowanna amde a massive breakthrough through the discovery of The Underworld by Kyndi Emickir in 402:5. The Tykyrrians made a concerted effort to hide their discovery, colonisation efforts were highly discreet and mysterious disappearances would occur occasionally, usually amongst those who supported the return of the aristocracy and priesthood who would be promised a new life in exchange for secrecy. After 100 years significant growth was made in the underworld, as well as profound revelations in archaological and scientific fields. But information of the Underground was becoming increasingly hard to contain, so it was decided by The Tykyrrian Military Parliament that they should invest in a surprise military maeuver against a Faerielite nation. After much deliberation, it was decided that invading The 2nd Empire of Faeriel was most ideal, given the low popular support of the local culture for it's aristocratic class as well as it's unpopularity amongst other nations of the world. In 532:5 Gwargiwan forces drilled up near the city of Faridirizayrel and launched the attack. It took The Empire by complete surprise and they surrendered in a matter of mere months. The news of a surprise underground invasion frightened other empires and they mobilised their armed forces should it occur to them also. The Tykyrrians overestimated the effectiveness of their optics, and other empires seemed to only grow ever fearful of The Tykyrrians. The Azeyzelans invaded the Gwargiwan occupied region in an attempt to reclaim their land, but made only minor gains. It was becoming increasingly clear to Faerielites that something had to be done about these heathens. It was also increasingly clear that controlling The Underworld would be of paramount strategic importance.   In 550:5 The provisional government in charge of the Gwargiwan occupation had, after significant efforts to 'educate' locals on the damages wrought upon Wyndelkynd by Faeriel, declared itself an independent nation as part of a new international alliance called The Tykyrrian League. Ekka, the southern continent had over the many hundreds of years become something of a melting pot of cultures, the tykyrrians persecuted in Faerielite nations began steadily migrating there for a new life. As a result of this diverse exposure they developed a unique culture and after The Ekkan Referendum in 615:5 in which an overwhelming majority of the population voted to create a new nation, The Ekkan Confederation was born. It was immediately made a member of The Tykyrrian League. Scientific and archaological advances were made here also as research into the strange massive structure at the north pole, after having been corroborated with investigations of the underside of the structure below, had confirmed it to be a planetary thruster. This research would later lead to the creation of the first space-faring vehicles near the end of the metza. Aerynology and industrial applications of magic increased during the 5th Metza. Pagaemans start drilling down into the Underworld beginning The Scramble for the underworld, in which numerous conflicts ocurred.   The Sixth Metza brought The 2nd Age of Night. Since the global economy had grown more interconnected, especially during The First Age of Night when communities relied on trade to avoid severe undernourishment, but also as the massive conquests of The Empire of Faeriel had lead to established trade across the continents, the world was far better prepared. The Orange Isles held their first ever and so far only Grand Festival of Night to celebrate it's return, supposedly The Orange Isles committed it's entire economy to the festival. The Age of Night brought on a peculiar situation for space-flight research, it was now impossible to launch any spacecraft or aircraft in such terrible weather. Space and air research ground to a halt and it was redirected into developing The Underworld theatre, where most conflict during this metza occurred. Small wars were fought, primarily between the Faerielite and Tykyrrian spheres of the world, mostly over Underworld colonies. The Faerielites formed many Coalitions against the Tykyrrian League during these conflicts.   The most devastating conflict of this period was The Azeyzelan Unification War when Azeyzela reattempted to unify by taking down The Azeyzelan Confederation. During this war in which they created a coalition with Reykelrotk, disagreements on where the Reyk border should stop lead to the dissolution of the coalition and the failure of the Azeyzelans to coordinate with their allies lead to the Tykyrrian Azeyzelan Confederation to unify Azeyzela instead. an immediate coalition between Serra and Reykelrotk was waged which almost succeeded, but they were forced to abandon Azeyzela.  
Orange represents the Faerielite Coalition and Red represents The Tykyrrian League.   As the storms began to fade in the midway point of the metza, the possibilities of space and air travel was once again opening up. Serra and Gwargiwa were the two pre-eminent leaders of their respective spheres, although Reykelrotk was by no means a client state to Serra. Azeyzela despite struggling against interventions and losses was quickly growing to be come the leader in the world economically and militarily. Scientific advances in Aerynostry amongst both factions was advancing, one of the most reviled individuals in Wyndelkyndian history, Xexes. He lead nuclear research in The Tykyrrian League in the leadup towards The War of Bloodied Feathers. The Faerielite head of research, Tarizila has largely been spared from the ire of history since The Faerielites 'won' the War of Bloodied Feathers, despite being responsible for approximately equal deaths.   The Seventh Metza first saw a dramatic increase in the severity and calamity of war. With the invention of nuclear fire and the opening of the clouds, plans began amongst The Tykyrrians for the application of Nuclear Fire militarily, namely against Faeriel. This extemely top secret plot was known as Project Whitelight. The Faerielites had a similar nuclear weapons initiative called Project Faeriel, to act as a deterrent, but it was not as advanced. Testing usually took place in the detritus layer where they couldn't be observed. Despite the secrecy of these projects rumours of underground explosions and quakes went around. Each faction assured the other that these disturbances are to be blamed on the mysterious technology present in certain regions of the detritus. The facade was broken in 56:7 when Tykyrrians deployed and used the first ever nuclear kite against Faeriel, killing her. The explosion was visible from Serra, The Orange Isle and Azeyzela and the news shocked the world, even many Tykyrrians who had been excluded from the decision to attack due to the secretive nature of the project. A state of total war now existed between the Faerielite Coalition and The Tykyrrian League. Faeriel's corpse landed in Azeyzela at the bank of the Azerezli River on the Azeyzelan-Reykelrotk border. This scene was used in one of the most famous paintings in Wyndelkyndian History.   The course of the war was rocky and convoluted, in summary, A ferocious multi-fronted invasion was mounted by the Faerielites in retaliation for killing their god. The Tykyrrians, expecting such a reaction, dug in. The Faerielites made gains, but thinned out, as this started to occur, they dropped the second nuclear weapon on the northern coast of Gwargiwa, devastating Solpapan. A major turning point came when The Faerielites managed to conquer Ekka. However, their fortune was fading when The tykyrrians made major advances in The Underworld, a front somewhat neglected by The Faerielites. They then launched an invasion of The Orange Isles and of Reykelrotk both on the surface and from the Underworld. The Orange Isles would fall, but Reyk managed to contain the attack in the Skiver Peninsula. Meanwhile in the Tykyrrian nations, a major rejection of Tykyrrianism was growing. More moderate forms of Tykyrrianism were taking hold, organisations that once advocated for her relocation and were enraged by the surprise attack suddenly were rising to prominence. The Tykyrrian League Central Military Coordination Parliament began centralising control, to the point where they abolished military democracy. Meanwhile a state of emergency was declared amongst the Idyllic System, Idylls now had appointed leaders. Great efforts were made to suppress the growing resistance. The democracy they fought for was dismantled, at least for now. 5 more nuclear kites flew in the course of the war, as their nuclear arsenals started to pick up the pace. Famine and mass rioting grew widespread among both factions. It was becoming clear that the loser would be the faction with the least stable domestic situation which was by far The Tykyrrians. The Faerielites had the advantage of a fiercely loyal population since most of their population worshipped Faeriel. As well as the lack of democratic structures to fuel opposition. In the end, the Tykyrrians collapsed in a blaze, it all happened within a couple of years. Their last bastion was Gwargiwa who offered unconditional surrender to avoid further nuclear devastation. The war ended in 138:7. current estimates on casualties indicate that ~230 Million died as a direct result of the war, including both civilian and military. (i forgot to mention that there were battles in space and also that magic was gone during the war since Faeriel was dead.) The Treaty of Anoranna lead to the creation of the first nominally democratic nation that identified as Faerielite. It was named The Amber Macuihitl Republic of Azeyzela for the Azeyzelan Faerielite resistance movement that rose up over the course of the war. This was the first nation to use the title Etcheliot, meaning essentially a president, it was a representative democracy unlike the direct democracies of The Tykyrrian League. Their military was traditionally dictatorial. Ekka was another nation that embraced this structure. The old aristocracies who resided in Serra and Reykelrotk filled many roles of government. The absolute monarchies of the other nations saw the creation of factions calling for their own democratic istitutions soon after the war which lead to some adopting parliaments, but ultimately they could disband them or appoint their members as they so chose. Since Gwargiwa had not been occupied and their democratic institutions were suspended, it was decided that they were to adapt their emergency dictatorship into a permanent dictatorship, and their current ruler was to abdicate and new leaders were to be appointed by the international community. This infuriated Gwargiwans both those who supported democratisation and tykyrrianism. In this new world order, devastation had reduced Gwargiwa and Azeyzela from the status of world powers, and Gwargiwa had effectively become a puppet state to the other nations. Serra was now the leading nation of the world.   The Faerielites may have won, but their god was still dead. It was a gruelling victory that was not at all celebrated. These are called The Black Ages. The fate of Tykyrrianism was now to be decided in the city of Faridirizayrel, where the first Tykyrrian Invasion started. There were those who tried to defend Tykyrrianism, moderates, but the minds of those holding the trial were already made. Tens of thousands were sentenced to death and millions were incarcerated. The immense demand put on prisons lead to the construction of The Penal Colony system in space, where they could be isolated. Prisoners waiting for containment cells were kept in overcrowded prisons on the planets surface. By 161:7 the prison over crowding problem was solved and The Penal Colony had a total population of 20 million. Children born there were taken and placed in loyal Faeriel worshipping families. Back on Wyndelkynd, there was still a steady supply of Tykyrrians not directly involved in the war. Many still spoke up about their beliefs and for doing so would be sent up to the penal colony. Morale amongst Faerielites was low, it was reported that a wave of suicide swept through the world's population, even some political leaders including the then ruling head of the Tzo Dynasty committed suicide out of hopelessness. Statistical analysis of the Black Ages show that there were 272.16 million recorded suicides between the end of the war and 300:7, most of these occurred within the first 50 years of the war ending.   The Penal Colony population swelled to 70 million by 260:7. This year was when a massive revolution occurred on the penal colony ship. They took control of the ships navigation and fled the system as fast as they could, fighting off the Wyndelkyndian Space Force with hastily assembled, often jerry rigged ships with locally produced ie. poor quality weapons made in secret. Fears were spreading once again that Tykyrrians would soon be returning having built a new revolution in some nearby star, ready to reconquer Wyndelkynd.   The Black Ages ended in the year 300:7, when not long after the flight of the Tykyrrians, an amazing discovery was made. A mysterious object had appeared whizzing around The Undersun. The object was recovered by aircraft and found to be a black egg a meter tall. Analysis showed that the prayers of The Faerielites were answered and that Faeriel had been reborn! quickly people started practising magic again after it had ceased to exist for a time. It was however, much weaker than before. At this point Tykyrrianism was mostly defunct, but the democratic traditions it championed were still strong. Democratic advocates would start drifting towards Idyllic Faerism, whose origins lie in the philosophical flourishing of Gwargiwa, but never saw widespread adoption until after the appearance of the egg. In the year 439:7 an armed insurrection against the Gwargiwan puppet state occurred lead primarily by Idyllic Faerielites, they were victorious after a gruelling war involving international intervention. Democratic reforms were being implemented across the other nations, as well as an Iddyllic Faerielite Party being elected in The Amber Macuahuitl Republic, followed by an attempted coup and waves of protests against the new administration, but they managed to implement a system very similar to The Wyndelkyndian Confederation only on a smaller scale, with direct democracy practised on the local and regional level but a parliamentary central government. While Gwargiwa implemented a more representative democracy, there was increasing movement towards direct participation. Both iddyllic nations tolerated the aristocrats by preserving their titles but as ceremonial. The other Faerielite nations were inspired by these new interpretations of Faerism seeking to implement similar systems elsewhere. This was known as the Faerielite civil rights period. Opponents tried to suppress the movements but ultimately by 786:7 all nations were to some degree fairly democratic. As democracy spread, movements for men's liberation started to advance in the political sphere, managing to pass some of the first protections to men's rights since the Tykyrrian League was defeated and all men's protections were all rolled back.   Tykyrrians started to make a comeback also, with a historical relegalisation of Tykyrrian parties in 875:7. There was a renewed interest in the fate of the egg of Faeriel, some advocated for destroying it again while other moderates saw her return as an opportunity to amend past errors and relocate her instead. At the height of this flourishing of once revolutionary ideas The Wyndelkyndian Confederation was born with the Planetary Convention of Iddyllic Democracies in 897:7 in which the world's nations convened on the question of whether they should unite into a planetary administration. Faerielites supported it as a means of deterring future invasion from The runaway Tykyrrians, while new Tykyrrians thought such a massive bureaucratic system could harm democratic freedom. Three main factions arose in the Planetary Convention. Those who wanted no planetary bureaucracy, those who wanted a weak confederal authority with a parliament and those who wanted a centralised planetary council with 2 delegates from each nation one male and one female. The third option was widely supported by the growing anti-tykyrrian movement. after three years of debates and institutional construction, The Parliamentary model won and The Confederation was created in 900:7.   The two major political factions did not arise until 905:7. The others came about over the course of the following years. Tykyrrian Parties grew quickly after the convention which drew ire from the anti-tykyrrians who formed A New Amber Macuahuitl Party who quickly took charge of the parliament and banned them once more in 935:7, recriminalising tykyrrian ideas. Turmoil roared through the Confederation but ultimately the new tykyrrian movement failed to recover and by 970:7 was once again defunct. Men's rights managed to weather the storm although there were some rollbacks. After the Idyllic Party was reelected after they ousted the Amber Macuahuitl Party they adopted the ban also, which lead to it being the default policy. However the Idyllic Party was increasing the directness of democracies, grassroots advocacy in all the nations for the next decade lead to the end of all indirect democratic institutions beside the planetary parliament.   A movement that fluctuated since the 30s was The Valetl Confederation Party, Valetl nationalists who wanted their own Confederation, and felt they were not adequately represented under The Serran Confederation. Their greatest victory was being endorsed by The Etcheliotapa Party, the second largest party in Parliament who then achieved electoral victory by a narrow margin in the 985:7 election and won the next two terms. In this time they ratified the creation of The Valetl Confederation. They also implemented a representative democracy in the new confederation with it's own Etcheliot. The Idyllic Party made a massive resurgence after this winning a huge majority in the 1:8 Election under Mohichelzi, with Etcheliotapa popularity dropping immensely outside Valetl. Mohichelzi is now confronted with a crisis where her party is demanding she dismantle the new confederation which is likely to lead to violence. If not, Serra may start threatening to seceed.
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