Wyndelkyndian Confederation

The Wyndelkyndian Confederation is the political entity representing Wyndelkynd. The Wyndelkyndian Confederation is a Union of 7 Continental Confederations. The population of Wyndelkynd is 8 Billion most of which resides in Azeyzela and Gwargiwa. The capital is Azettyzayrel in Azeyzela. Wyndelkynd is the third planet from Raugar. It has one moon called Festakynd, it was once orbitted by Faeriel who was worshipped by many of the planets inhabitants until she was slain in The War of Bloodied Feathers. The planet is hollow, the interior of the planet is called The Underworld and at it's centre is a powerful glowing orb called the Undersun.


(insert history here)        

External Relations

The only known organisation outside of The Confederation's jurisdiction is The Tykyrrian Ark, taken control of by the prisoners contained therein, there is no official diplomatic status between the two parties. If they were to reestablish contant, it would almost certainly lead to all out war.        

Internal Relations

There is serious turbulence in the confederal union. the ratification of CON7 by The Etcheliot Party has lead to increasing demands from The Serran Confederation to reverse it, which would almost certainly lead to violence. Some Serran politicians are calling for seccession. Valetl is fearful for it's hard fought independence now that The Etcheliotapa have been ousted from Parliament.        


The Wyndelkyndian Planetary Government is structured along the lines of Iddyllic Faerism, blending various parts of Iddyllic Democracy, Parliamentary Monarchy and Faerielite Theocracy.   The Wyndelkyndian Parliament is unicameral, the seats of which are elected by members of each Continental Confederation's Supreme Council of Idyllies. Parliamentary elections are held overy 5 years.         w
See structure for more detail.


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