Allseas Organization in Oleanus | World Anvil

Allseas (All-seas)

Mythology & Lore

Decoure has always existed, deep in the seas, waiting for a people strong enough, brave enough and resourceful enough to come to her.  The people of the archipelago toiled under the hot sun, trapped by the Sea of Knives, until a man named Sanus knocked the top of a mountain off while mining for rock.  This revealed the volcanic nature of their island home, and provided the people with fertile soil.  The top of the mountain flew into the ocean, creating a hole in the sea, freeing Decoure.  She blessed them with bountiful fish and birds, and the knowledge to build ships.   Sanus became the first follower of Decoure, taking on the name Sanus of Allsea, and became the first ruler of Decoure, naming the archipelago after the goddess.  Though they were not an empire at the time, he is still considered to be the first emperor.   When a disease struck the fish population living within the reef, a fisherman climbed to the top of the volcano on the big island, and prayed to Decoure for something to save his people, she granted him the plans for a new ship.  This fisherman is Tornik the Shipwright, and with these plans, he build the first ship capable of passing over the Sea of Knives.   Orvinik of the Storm braved a typhoon while on a trade voyage, with his pregnant wife onboard.  Unable to see through the bluster and rain, his ship was pushed to the Allseas Gate.  Some of the crew accepted their death, either by storm scuttling their ship or the whirlpool pulling them into the depths of the sea.  Orvinik and the other Decourans on board called to Decoure for mercy.  The rains parted at dawn, delivering Orvinik and his crew safely through the storm.  On the prow of his ship, a sword was planted in the wood, made of pure sea glass.  The Sword of Seas was gifted to Orivnik's daughter, Delo Wynch, who became the next ruler of Decoure and their first empress.  From Delo on, the sword was passed on with the title of emperor

Bless our seas. Bless our ships

Founding Date
Religious, Pantheon
Leader Title
Permeated Organizations
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