Decourean Imperial Office Organization in Oleanus | World Anvil

Decourean Imperial Office (Duh-core-an)


The Decourean Imperial Office is the formal name for the Decourean Emperor, Close Council and lower bureaucrats that allow the Empire to run.  The Decourean Imperial Office directly over sees passing and the implementation of new law, protection of the home island and all colonies, and all civilian ships.   As the Decourean Emperor is also the Admiral of the navy, they are directly at the command of Imperial Office.

For Allseas are Hers

Founding Date
Government, Leadership
Alternative Names
Searats, Piratical Filth
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Though they barter on the home island, Olean pieces are the dominant currency used.
Legislative Body
Though the emperor has the final word on the laws of Decoure, the imperial court is staffed with advisors knowledgeable in respective fields of statecraft.  Nearly every new or revised law that passes through the Imperial Office is drafted and proposed by one of these advisors, then presented to the emperor for approval.
Judicial Body
Interpretation of the laws can only be decided upon by the Imperial Court, headsmen and Servants.  Each of these groups tends to read the law differently.  Servants will defer to the benefit of Decoure of Allseas; Headsmen will defer to the benefit of the community; the Imperial Court will defer to the benefit of the empire as a whole.
Executive Body
At sea, laws are carried out by the Decourean Navy. For offenses with clear and stated punishment will be carried out by the senior most officer on the ship. Crimes that require trial will see the navy escorting the offender back to the Imperial Seafort for judgement by the Emperor.   In settlements, home island and colonies, headsmen and Servants enforce laws and carry out necessary sentencing.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Organization Vehicles
Related Ethnicities


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