Midris River
A river that has been important to three major civilizations.
A long winding river with many calaterals going all over Cardidium from the Finback Mountains to the Azure Gulf.
Much of the river, until it gets far north, is warmer than much of the land around it thanks to thermal vents that split Azure Gulf and some of the surrounding lands and springs. This is a benifit for the lizardfolk that call it home and travel the rivers via barges rather than settle on the land.
Localized Phenomena
The river that cuts through Midronis and leads down to the gulf has several hot vents that have left this region warmer than much of the northern climate should be otherwise. While not tropical it is warm enough for the lizard folk to live here on their barges until the winter funnels them down to the gulf while lizardfolk who are not part of this culture keep themselves inside as individuals rather than comunities. This was once called "The Blessing of Woos".
It is very common for fog to roll over the land away from the river in the mornings causing pleanty of buildings to be built with towers to peer overtop.
It is very common for fog to roll over the land away from the river in the mornings causing pleanty of buildings to be built with towers to peer overtop.
Fauna & Flora
It is not uncommon to find crocidiles and other warm river life along the banks though it is rare to find hippos outside the southern portion of the river close to the gap between the Arganth Mountains and the Finback Mountains.
Following the Sundering when tribes of different people were finding places to live and rebuild the dream of civilization some of them remembered after the 1000 year chaos two very different groups of people were both drawn to the unexpecidly warm waters. Lizardfolk and Humans. Instead of fighting to the death to claim the territory they formed an aliance which birthed the Melam civilization. The capital, Midronis, was one of their first settlements and still stands thousands of years later.
Those who come to these lands often hear about the warm river of Midris. Those that have actual vents in their springs that lead to the river proper have been known to set up spas to draw in those with money.