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Session 1: A Debt Paid in Glass Report

General Summary

WA session #1:

A Debt Paid in Glass

We return to the heroes, still in the darkness of the Shadowglass plane. Velalinnwin and Wolfe have both heard a strange voice in their heads telling them to run. The denizens of the plane of Darkness steamed up the street toward the twisted version of the Holy Grale.  Dim, Dark, Hazy & Associates turned, bursting through the back door of the inn, into the alleys beyond. Haze and smoked wreathed around their feet in the darkness as they ran, billowing upward with each footstep. By a few timely prayers from Oksana and the guidance of Aoqos, the group managed to make it out of the city and into the surrounding fields without trouble, but the aberrations continued to make chase.   Out of the ashy corn, movement. The lamprey-mouthed Wretched swarm the party from every direction. They seemed overwhelmed but managed to destroy the creatures, despite numerous bites into armor and skin alike.  A quick prayer was again sent to Aoqos leading the group across a black and acrid river, into a forest. The stench of the water covering them, the party came to meet Euman, an elf, lost in the woods. He told them of his hunting company, the Jade Order, who got lost in an attempt to hunt the source of a rumor. The rumor said that darkness was growing near Bon Venon, and vile creatures were being seen skulking in the shadows around the town.      Euman's mind suddenly snapped, the sight of relatively unscathed citizens of Omiralon striking sharp contrast to the dark world around him. He was paralyzed in fear.  Thinking quickly, DDH&A fashioned a cot to drag Euman on and began to run once again, quickly realizing they were still being followed. Or Hunted. Glowing eyes shone in the distance, the sound of wolves howling carried over the windless landscape.    Finding a rocky crag to hide in, the party sets up defenses. The wolves seem to run off, but another sound rises. A cloaked figure appears from around a rock.  Once again, they were in the presence of Beus Os' Bar, the Fallen.  Provoked by Beus, Gaia reveals that Beus is her patron, her power acquired via a favor she promised to the Immortal. The group is stuck in the Shadowglass for the next 3 days. Wolf begins negotiations to make a new deal, to release the rest of the group in exchange for him to remain. Gaia quickly talks him out of it. A wry smile crept over Beus' face, and leaves the party to their devices. They begin to run once more, the howls and growls of creatures ever-present.    For three days, the party ran. Tired, though reasonably intact, Oksana suddenly stumbles, running headlong into something. Looking up, nothing appears to be before her, just more plains dotted with trees. Then, out of the dim light, a figure coalesces. It appears to be a large, black toad, the size of a large human.    Reaching down, the toad touches Oxana's shoulder. She disappears.  As one, the party erupted into attacks against the toad. A few more moments into the battle, with the party heaving from the strain of days of running and fighting, Beus appeared at the Toad's side. "Enough, Jereth. Their contract is fulfilled." The toad sheathed it's weapons, fading from view.  Beus gestured to an open portal. The group stepped through, arriving back on the Material. Beus lead them into their tavern and directed them to sit around a table in the center of the room. Slowly, he brought a glowing and ornate deck of cards from beneath his robes.     The Deck of Many Things. Beus offers each adventurer present a draw of one card from the Deck. All accept. The Drawing goes well, each adventurer's card giving a boon. That is, until Oksana, the last to draw, drew her card.  As her card, the Talons, faded from view, so too did the axe her father had made her. There was stunned silence from the room as the dust that was the axe shifted and circled in the cross-breeze flowing through the inn's windows.

Rewards Granted

One card each from the Deck of Many things and the Holy Grale renovations paid for.  
  • Gaia drew "Balance" - The card didn't do anything since she is true neutral her alignment stayed the same
  • Omepheus drew "Gem" - 50 gems, with an estimated worth of 1000 gold each.
  • Euman drew "Key" - a rare weapon of the DMs choice
  • Wolf drew "Moon" - Granted one wish spell, available to cast at will. 
  • Oksana drew "Talons" - Every magical item on her person disintegrates.

Missions/Quests Completed

The story is out - Gaia made a deal with Beus.
Dim, Dark, Hazy & Associates
Euman Kredal
Level 6 Wood Elf Neutral Bard
33 / 33 HP
Oksana Battlehorn
Report Date
16 Nov 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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