The Fish Eye Pub

The largest tavern in Kethel City. It is used by the sailors, port workers and some of the lower class merchants. The more wealthy merchants may join the nobles and higher class citizens at The Precious Pearl, located in the noble district in the northwest.   The Fish eye pub is a large building with a high ceiling on the first floor, and a second floor above that. There are two private lounges where business' may be conducted or deals brokered. There is also a small interior balcony overlooking the main room. The balcony has 2 small round tables and is most commonly reserved for the captain of the largest docked ship, unless the captain takes a private lounge.   A doorway on the north east door leads to a large set of rooms. There are 10 available rooms in total, ranging from porn rooms to a single available wealthy room.   The innkeeper is a hardy dwarf by the name of Oskar
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