The Right Mark

The Right Mark is the best and only seller of ink and parchment in Neverwinter. It sits in the north district with other shops of luxury. The owner, Jonathan Butier , is a strange man, but one that suits his purpose. Many gossip that he makes more money just due to his personality, as folk quickly decide to establish a standing recurring order, in the effort of avoiding frequent trips there personally.   The second floor is a single small living quarter with a large bed befitting a dragonborne, and several open windows this time, looking out over the street and behind the house. a single picture from hangs on the right side of the bed

Purpose / Function

Sells high quality inks and parchment


The shop floor is a slightly rectangular room in the direction of the entryway. It is approximately 60' by 20'. The floor feels like it is of a hardwood, but looking at the floor only serves to show a miriade of various sploshes of color, due to spilled ink wells. It has stone walls and a low wood ceiling about 9 feet up.


There is a single door entry at the front of the building that serves as the only entrance and exit for the small shop. on the right side, from the second floor, there is an outside staircase leading from the owner's living quarters, to the back of the building were he is met by a stone path.   There are several small windows that look blacked out from the outside and make it seem as if the shop is always closed, as is the first guess folks have if they do no more than walk by. Upon entering, customers find that the windows have simply been blocked off by the many shelves that are inside.   Jonathan Butier does not have locks on either of his doors, but he has paid for some ink bottles around his shop floor to be enchanted to react to uninvited guests.

Sensory & Appearance

Customers see an apparently closed shop from the outside. Those who understand or have been told that it is not so, open the door to a narrow hallway stretching 3 feet in until reaching a shadowy room, barely lit by a handful of candles. You have to squint to make out fine details at the other side of the floor, where you see a stairway leading up to a second floor. The room is stacked ceiling high with bundles of parchment, bound with cover and twine. amidst the paper, lie shelves piled with bottles of varying size, shape, and color. Many of the bottles look on the brink of falling to the hard floor and shattering, destined to join the stains already present along the entire floor. The smell of turpentine wafted through the air (from Jonathan testing inks on paper the last couple days). The air is also very musty and you immediately have to suppress coughing just from the dryness in the air. You can hear in the direction from the stairs a faint scratching sounds and as you focus in, you see a pair of shining golden eyes look up to stare back at you.


This business serves to provide ink and paper for almost all needs. Given that, it is frequented by all that have need and the coin for the expensive tools. Business from all over town and nearby settlements get supplies from here, but most frequent, the the assistants from the king or whatever royalty is nearby.

Contents & Furnishings

tables and free standing shelves scatter the middle of the room, obstructing any straight path from one end of the room to another. paper lies in stacks and on shelves along the wall, and shelves hand in front of the windows, covering them, that holds ink. There is uniquely no table here for business to be conducted, it seems to just take place on the floor.


The parchment and ink that are sold here are all very valuable, even the less expensive of it. The store maintains around 70-80,000gp in it's sellable stock alone.

Hazards & Traps

5 bottles of ink, (located on shelves at each corner of the room and in the middle) are magically trapped to fly at anybody that gets within 10 feet. This happens during the off hours that Jonathan Butier has requested, as well as when he is not in the building. That ink is magically acidic and anybody who gets it on there skin must make a DC 18 constitution saving throw or take 22 points of acid damage. Damage is halved if they save.

Special Properties

The room has an additional enchantment that keeps the room very dry for the sake of the paper. if a liquid substance is encased in something, the enchantment has no effect on it.


It is a very old building but manages to remain standing on the visibly original frame that it started as.


A slim single-door entryway leads to an equally narrow hallway 8 feet tall. A couple steps in it opens up a bit into a room that would be spacious if not for the mass of items inside it. stacks of bundles kept closed with twine, shelves in the midle of the room and on the walls house hundreds and hundreds of bottles of varying shapes, sizes, and color.
Shop, Generic
Parent Location


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