Angie Arrowfern Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Angie Arrowfern

Angelica "Angie" Arrowfern (3 December 883-5 December 1105) was a sorceress and revolutionary instrumental in leading the Volian Revolution.   Angie was born the seventh child of Dante Arrowfern (himself a seventh child) in rural Voli, under a rare alignment of the astral bodies in the house of Sagittarius. The Arrowfern family had a long ancestral association with the star sign; unsurprisingly, Angie displayed powerful magical capabilities from early childhood. She also had a keen intellect and a knack for public speaking and leadership. She attended the barrister's college in Port Nabucco and secured a position as chief public defender in the Peacock Hill district, one of the poorer neighborhoods of the city.   Angie quickly became known for her passion for social change and her defense of the less-fortunate citizens of Port Nabucco. Upon the Y912 execution of Queen Mother Rodelinda of Voli, she immediately began organizing forces to oppose King Grimoaldo II's rule. Though the series of irregular conflicts later known as the Volian Revolution raged on for nearly twenty years, Angie never faltered from her goals of not only ending King Grimoaldo's tyrannical reign, but also abolishing the monarchy outright. She was voted the first Prime Minister of Voli in Y931, in the first election after the Revolution, by an overwhelming margin.
Date of Birth
3 December Y883
Date of Death
5 December Y1105
873 Y 1105 Y 232 years old
Place of Death

Cover image: by mezzopatricia


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