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A sorcerer is a practicioner of granted magic] whose magic is either an innately born power or the result of a one-time supernatural accident or curse.   Sorcery is an incredibly rare gift, and one that is often difficult to control. Skilled sorcerers are unique for their ability to alter elements of their spells, such as their range, duration, and power. However, they are often much more limited in their ability to learn new magic in comparison to a Wizard, Cleric, Druid, or Bard.



The causes of sorcery are not yet fully understood. Sorcerous powers are usually present at the time of one's birth, even if not immediately apparent. Later curses can also grant sorcerous powers, with the most common example of such being the Wildmage curse given by the Fey.   A few circumstances of birth known to produce sorcerers are as follows:
  • Lineage from a dragon, whether direct or distant
  • Conceived or born on an Outer Plane
  • Born to one or more parents who have outstanding bargains with an archfey or ancient Hag
  • Born to one or more parents who have made contact with aberrative or unraveling magic
  • The seventh child of a seventh child, particularly in a lineage with longstanding ties to a celestial or astral being
  • Born under particular rare alignments of the stars within a Zodiac sign
  • Born during or immediately following an extraordinary weather event, such as a severe Hagstorm, Prozhg'atua, or total eclipse


Social Status

Sorcerers are regarded in the public eye with a mix of fear and awe. Sorcerers with poor control over their magic, particularly wildmages, are often considered a burden or a source of shame by their family and may be forced to hide their powers. However, if a sorcerer has demonstrated control over their powers and gained some renown, they often find that people are more willing to follow and trust them. A powerful sorcerer is often perceived as being marked by The Fates for a greater purpose. Some sorcerers throughout history have been able to channel this belief into leadership positions and enact widespread change beyond the scope of their magic powers. Angie Arrowfern, the leader of the Volian Revolution, is a famous example in recent centuries.
Alternative Names
spellblood, kuruní, lumoojatar
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions


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