Hadesia Geographic Location in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Hadesia is the most populous of the Three Brothers Isles, an archipelago in the northwestern Aquatic Kingdoms. It is the domain of the god Hades.


Hadesia's terrain is rocky, stark, and barren. However, it has dense networks of black marble caves beneath the surface that are cool and stable enough to be easily improved by engineers and inhabited by mortals. These caves are home to the underground city of Dancamort, famous for its lavish casinos and extravagant entertainment, as well as for its strict religious devotion to Hades. The River Styx flows beneath the surface of the island. It is the only known river on the Material Plane that flows inland from the ocean; it is thought to drain into a portal to Hades beyond The Wall in the depths of Dancamort.


The arid ecosystem of the surface of Hadesia blends mountain, desert, and a few desert grassland regions along the western coast. Winters are cool yet dry, and summers are dry and brutally hot. In July through September, the area is prone to bush fires. (Known wind patterns in the region would usually result in more rainfall; the dry climate is widely believed to be the influence of Hades.)

Fauna & Flora

Succulents, scrub-brush, and other hardy plants adapted to dry places are the most common vegetation. Commonly grown crops include squash, beans, nightshades, and agave, and much of the land is used for cattle grazing.   In the caverns underground, Lucifera and other fungi thrive in the cool, damp environment. Rust Monsters swarm around the tunnels that ventilate Dancamort, occasionally falling in.

Natural Resources

The bedrock of the island is high-quality black granite, prized across the Aquatic Kingdoms for its beauty and strength. Most major expansions to the city of Dancamort involve careful extraction of the rock so as to export it overseas. The ground below the island is also rich in gold, electrum, high-quality iron, and other mineral wealth.   Hadesia's agriculture, in contrast, is notoriously poor. The surface soil is rocky and poor-quality, not suited to large-scale farming. Some nomadic shepherds manage herds of mountain goats, bison, and cattle on the lands above it, and a few farmers cultivate hardy desert plants, such as agave (originally native to Desarmín). The majority of food in Dancamort is imported from Psedonia and Zewa.


Little is known about Hadesia before the Age of Anxiety. It was part of the land mass sunken by the Wild Dynasty during that age, and remained under the waves until being risen by Fricka after the Litigation of Flames and dedicated to the charge of Hades. The city of Dancamort flourished beneath the surface and expanded rapidly over the years. By contrast, no above-ground settlement in Hadesia has more than a few hundred residents.
The harsh surface of Hadesia.
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