Thebouranós Settlement in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Thebouranós is the capital and largest city of the island of Psedonia, though it is the smallest capital city in the Three Brothers Isles. It is located on the only accessible harbor of the island, making it a crucial port for the people of Psedonia. It is a majority Human city.


Like other settlements in the Three Brothers Isles, Thebouranós has a majority human population, with some presence from halflings and lowland dwarves. Unlike other settlements in the Three Brothers Isles, there are also sizeable minority populations of sun elves and sea elves.


Since Psedonia's population is small, the city is ruled directly by the Rex Marinus.   Psedonia has long had a close relationship with Brightwater, the largest Poseidon-worshipping city in Belcantas. The two cities have been known to send both military and non-military aid to each other in times of crisis.


The town has had to be raised by transmuters several times, as it is constantly sinking below sea level. Many of the streets of the town are replaced by canals, and the residents of these sunken districts travel from place to place by canoe. The Dwarven and Elven engineers of the city have developed many clever temporary and semi-permanent architectural solutions to maintain infrastructure, including a series of hydraulic golem-powered floodgates and buildings on stilts. (This has been heavily criticized by Psedonia's resident druid circle, the Sunken Synod, who take it as an insult against both the water's will and Poseidon himself.)


Thebouranós was built in the marshlands on the coast of low-lying Psedonia, to take advantage of the natural port of the River Trianiax. The location is geographically advantageous for trade and access to natural resources, but difficult to build in, restraining the size of the town.
by Severin Stalder
Panoramic of Thebouranós
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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