Hadesian Deep Mines Building / Landmark in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Hadesian Deep Mines

The Hadesian Deep Mines are a sprawling network of mines and quarries that lie far below the city of Dancamort, on the island of Hadesia.   The mines are officially owned by the god Hades himself. The Company of Hades administers them, but for centuries it has lent out controlling stakes to a handful of devout families in Dancamort, who operate it in exchange for steep tithes to the Hadesian Basilica. The Company is still involved primarily in driving labor force to the mines, largely through the recruitment of parishioners' bodies as Undead labor after their deaths.

Purpose / Function

The Hadesian Deep Mines exist to extract the mineral resources of the island of Hadesia so that they can be processed and sold in the city of Dancamort and beyond. Different branches of the mine lead to different resources: iron ore, coal, diamonds, copper, and electrum. There are also tunnels leading higher towards the surface, where black granite quarries sit within the mountainside.


The older mine shafts have been continually reinforced with timber from Scalados over the years to keep them from caving in. There are also Funicular shafts to reach even deeper into the mine from older areas.


The Wall separates the majority of the Hadesian Deep Mines from the city of Dancamort proper. According to legends told by workers, there are areas of the mine beyond these walls that delve too close to either the Underdark or to long-forgotten portals to the Lower Planes (typically said to be Hades or Acheron, though sometimes one of the Nine Hells). Armies of both the living and the undead patrol the mines and the Wall, and no miner is allowed to go into the mines without a silvered dagger and at least three vials of holy water.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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