Pumpkin King Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Pumpkin King

The Pumpkin King is the Archfey Regnant of the Autumn Court in the Feywild. Though he thrives on trickery and mischief, particularly in frightening unsuspecting travelers, he ultimately tends towards benevolence and generosity.   The Pumpkin King appears to travelers as a tall, gaunt humanoid with almost skeletal limbs. He wears a deep brown suit and a royal mantle of shimmering red maple leaves, trimmed around the edges with pure gold. His head is a round orange pumpkin of quite considerable size, but with expressive, perfectly elf-like facial features upon it. He is agile and energetic, theatrical in his exaggerated movements.   According to wood elven folklore (corroborated by several accounts from planewalkers), the best way to earn the Pumpkin King's good graces is to introduce him to something completely novel to him. Those who sufficiently entertain and delight the king are occasionally invited to his legendary feasts—among the few (relatively) safe opportunities to taste the foods of the Feywild. Anyone he deems unworthy to sit at his table, or who intrudes upon the feast uninvited or arrives by dishonest means, turns into a scarecrow immediately upon standing from the table. These unfortunate scarecrows dot the Pastures of Autumn, where they remain in perpetuity.   The Pumpkin King traditionally rules from the Empty Throne, outside the Eladrin town of Fómhairinn. His whereabouts are currently unknown.
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