Tanuki Species in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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A tanuki is a beastlike yet sapient Seelie Fey native to the Spring Court of the Feywild.   King Tomonoke is the leader of the tanuki.

Basic Information


Tanuki look like a somewhat doglike raccoon creature, though they are typically bipedal. They can be anywhere from 2 to 7 feet tall. All tanuki-- male or female-- have an enormous scrotum that comprises up to 30% of their body weight. The tanuki can shapeshift their testicles into many forms: a sack slung over the shoulder, a drum, a blanket or parachute, a blunt weapon swung like a lasso, etc.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The tanuki live in a single nomadic tribe that wanders the lands of the Spring Court, though they are most commonly found in and around the Rolobolin Glade. Each day spent traveling is treated as a celebratory parade, with drumming and singing throughout their march to a new home.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Tanuki enjoy finding out secrets of the archfey of the Spring Court and especially the Summer Court, whenever possible. They hoard these secrets until the most inopportune possible time, then wander through the archfey's land singing songs about any personal embarrassment they know about them in an attempt to humble them. (Some archfey, understandably, find this practice more amusing than others. Titania, in particular, holds a deep grudge against the tanuki.)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Kitsune are the ancestral rivals of the tanuki.
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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