The Village of Hamadra Settlement in Orden | World Anvil

The Village of Hamadra

This settlement set in the middle of the Shadow Peak Forest has been around for centuries. Based around a central tree which is home to a very old Dryad. What started as a collection of elves and halfling who sought the Dryad for knowledge and learning has turned into a thriving settlement in a beautiful dense forest.   It appears small than it is because all the building in Hamadra is built within the trees, around the trees or the trees have been magically sculpted into structures. There are approximately 60 structures within and around the settlement only a third of which are businesses.   There has never been a true leadership structure in Hamadra but everyone looked to Hamadra herself until she permanently merged with the central tree almost a hundred years ago. The population consists of 60% elves and 40% halflings. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a huge influx of other races due to the settlements thriving caravan service and the fact that the residents of the city have a knack for being able to find information of all kinds or tell you where you can find it.


  • The Village of Hamadra
    Map of the village of Hamadra in the Shadow Peak Forest.

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