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Orcs are medium sized wild looking creatures which live up to 100 years. They are often mistreated from other races due to their ferious appearance with large tusks and green blood. However, most are quite peaceful and are espeically interested in the arcane arts. They are often considered as the most gifted magicians.   Due to the continue harresment of the other races a small cult started to believe they had to fight fire with fire. They prayed for unnatural powers to protect them and their loved ones. They wishes were granted from their deity Grush they did not noticed was that it corrupted them into a warmongers even more ferious then the Dwarves . Over time this cult they became what the other races feared. The orcs tried to stop the cult but In a few hundred years the tied turned and currently most Orcs follow the believes of Grush. The power the cult offered was just to tempting for most orcs in preventing the destruction of their home and loved ones.   Almost all orcs in Lemotion live in Moson

Basic Information


Orcs have differnt shades of skin color depending on their enviroment. Mainly, red, blue and green. Mountain orcs have red and orange skin, often near vulcanos. Orcs living near the sea have blueish skin and forest orcs have green skin. Over the years the colors developed to fit more closely to the enviroment.
Blue skinned orc in tribal armor
Forest orc living as a hunter
A corrupted orc with glowing eyes and the power infused by Grush


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