BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The day of the Shattering started like any other in Imladon , with people going about their business, tending to their crops, or heading off to work. However, things took a sudden and terrifying turn when the ground beneath the city began to rumble and shake. At first, people thought it might be a small earthquake, but the tremors quickly grew stronger and more violent.   As the shaking intensified, buildings began to crumble and collapse, and people were thrown to the ground. Screams and cries filled the air as panic set in, and people tried to flee the crumbling city. Some were lucky enough to escape, but many were not so fortunate.   Just when it seemed like things couldn't get any worse, the magical eruption began. The ground split open, and from it poured forth a thick, swirling mist that quickly engulfed everything in its path. The mist was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before - it seemed to shimmer and glow with an otherworldly light, and those who were caught in it began to experience strange and terrifying changes. The mist was later called the Haze.   The Delerium crystals grew out of the Haze, pulsing with power and magic, but also spreading corruption and madness wherever they were found. Those who touched them were changed forever, their bodies twisted and mutated beyond recognition. To this day the Haze and the Delerium remains over the city. The once-thriving city lay in ruins, with the few surviving inhabitants struggling to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives amidst the chaos and destruction. The Shattering had left its mark on the world, and it would never be the same again.   Spoiler Truth about the Shattering
The surrounding of Inladon prospored due to the effect of the weaking of the barriers. The gods and their influence entered Lemotion at this spot and thus positively influenced it. Over time, the connections diversified and thus the influence on this particular spot lessened. The erruption of the ground and the manifistation of the haze and the delerium are part of the desolved and weakend weave which tries to heal. During the Split Alpha created barriers between the continents to stabalize the weave (see Ji, Ti and the weave) in smaller parts before reuniting as a whole. This intervention might have saved the universe but also led to a unforseen tension in the power structure of everything. The tension errupted in Imladon where the barriers where previously weakend and manifested as raw twisted magical power. This is tradgedy but a natural one which could not have been stopped or circumvented. It is but a small manifestation of the powers which led to the disolve of the weave in the first place. However, if unchecked this small disaster will grow and enthreaten the weave and all life again.


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