Conclave Occidalis Expeditionary Mission

The Conclave Occidalis Expeditionary Mission is an ongoing effort by The Siar Conclave to explore, study, and document the largely uncharted landmass of Occidalis. Headed by Lord Elacan Isilda since 198IE, this mission aims to uncover the secrets of this arcanologically rich continent, focusing on its diverse ecosystems, indigenous cultures, and arcane phenomena.


Arcane Studies Division:   Lead Arcanologist: Directs research on the arcane phenomena of Occidalis, including the floating islands and arcane currents. Field Arcanologists: Conduct field studies, gather samples, and analyze arcane energies. They also collaborate with local Insectoid societies to understand their use of arcane powers.   Cultural Studies Division:   Lead Anthropologist: Heads the study of indigenous cultures, customs, and social structures. Focuses on documenting Insectoid hives and Beastpeople communities. Field Anthropologists: Engage with local populations, conduct interviews, and record cultural practices. They ensure cultural sensitivity and respect during interactions.   Natural Sciences Division:   Lead Biologist: Oversees the study of Occidalis' flora and fauna, particularly their unique adaptations and ecological roles. Field Biologists: Explore various ecosystems, collect biological samples, and document species interactions. They also study the impact of arcane phenomena on local wildlife.   Geographical Studies Division:   Lead Geographer: Manages the mapping and exploration of Occidalis' physical landscape, including its islands and natural barriers. Field Geographers: Use cartographic tools to map the terrain, identify key geographical features, and analyze environmental conditions.     Supply and Logistics Division:   Logistics Officer: Ensures the mission is well-supplied and that all logistical needs are met. Manages the transportation of goods and personnel. Supply Coordinators: Handle the procurement, storage, and distribution of supplies. They also oversee the maintenance of equipment and facilities.   Medical Division:   Chief Medical Officer: Responsible for the health and well-being of mission members. Manages medical staff and resources. Field Medics: Provide medical care in the field, handle emergencies, and conduct health checks on team members and local populations.     Conclave Guard Contingent   Guard Captain: Ensures the safety of all mission personnel and assets. Develops and implements security protocols. Conclave Guards: Guard mission sites, accompany research teams in potentially dangerous areas, and handle any security threats.

Public Agenda

Current Activities:   Field Research:   Teams are actively mapping the regions surrounding Chatri's Passage and beyond. Researchers are engaged in documenting the flora and fauna, focusing on their arcane properties and potential uses.   Cultural Exchange:   Establishing dialogues with Insectoid hives and Beastpeople communities to learn about their histories, beliefs, and daily lives.   Arcane Studies:   Investigating the arcane currents believed to influence the movement of the floating islands. Collecting samples of rare materials and artifacts for study back in Cymara.   Future Plans:   Permanent Research Outposts: Establishing a network of semi-permanent research stations to enable long-term studies and provide a base for future expeditions.   Expanded Exploration: Pushing further into the unmapped regions of Occidalis to uncover new arcanological and cultural discoveries.   Publication and Dissemination: Compiling and publishing findings in Conclave journals, with appropriate redactions for sensitive information. Sharing non-sensitive discoveries with the broader academic and magical communities to enhance collective knowledge and foster collaboration.
Founding Date
Ruling Organization
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