King Elvar of Farraige

King Elvar was born in 3980EA in the Kingdom of Lorintha, the illegitimate son of King Eleran of Lorintha and a Human slave. His birth was shrouded in secrecy, given the social stigma surrounding his origins. Despite his status as a bastard, Elvar displayed remarkable intelligence and aptitude from a young age. Recognizing his potential, King Eleran granted him Siarland as a fief and authorized the establishment of a cadet branch of the royal family, known as the House of Eleras.  

Personal History

  Elvar’s early years in Siarland were focused on building a power base and consolidating his authority in the region. His lineage granted him legitimacy among the Elves, while his mixed heritage made him a bridge between the Elves and Humans of Siarland. His rule in Siarland coincided with the decline of Lorintha, as the kingdom struggled with internal strife and the looming threat of The Human Rebellion.   During the Reich-Farraigean War of 70IE, King Elvar played a pivotal role in the defense of the Kingdom of Farraige against the invading forces of Holzreich. Although by this time he was advanced in age, his leadership and experience were crucial in organizing the kingdom's resistance during the conflict.   In the immediate aftermath of the war, King Elvar focused on the daunting task of rebuilding Farraige. The war had devastated large parts of the kingdom, particularly in the eastern territories that had borne the brunt of the Reichguard invasion. Elvar implemented a series of measures aimed at restoring agricultural productivity, repairing infrastructure, and resettling displaced populations.   To address the kingdom's financial strain, Elvar sought to strengthen trade relations with neighboring regions, including the Free City of Cymara and The Velvet Coast. He also encouraged the development of local industries, particularly in the production of goods that could be traded for much-needed resources. However, these efforts were hampered by the loss of valuable farmland and the reduced workforce, many of whom had been killed or incapacitated during the war.   While King Elvar successfully navigated the immediate postwar crisis, his reign was increasingly troubled by internal challenges. The war had exposed the limitations of Farraige's military and political systems, leading to growing discontent among the nobility and commoners alike. The losses suffered by the Lorinthan veterans during the war, who had been a crucial pillar of Elvar's power, further weakened his position.   Elvar also faced growing unrest among the peasantry, who were burdened by the economic hardships that followed the conflict. Despite his efforts to mitigate the worst effects of the postwar period, the general population struggled with food shortages, high taxes, and the lingering effects of the Reichguard's invasion. This discontent simmered throughout the latter part of his reign, creating a volatile political environment.   As Elvar aged, his ability to effectively manage the kingdom diminished. His health began to deteriorate, and he increasingly relied on his closest advisors to govern. This led to factionalism within the court, as various noble families and political factions vied for influence over the aging king. The power struggles within the court weakened the kingdom’s stability and eroded the authority of the monarchy.   The House of Eleras, once seen as the unifying force in Farraige, began to lose its grip on power. The failure to fully recover from the war, combined with the growing dissatisfaction among the nobility and the peasantry, set the stage for future conflicts. These tensions eventually culminated in the coup of 168IE, just a few years after Elvar's death, when Queen Alayana of Farraige, supported by her loyal Halenthan Corsairs, overthrew the House of Eleras and seized the throne.


Family Ties


King Elvar of Farraige


Towards Queen Imra


Queen Imra


Towards King Elvar of Farraige


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Queen Imra (Wife)