House of Eleras

The House of Eleras is a historic Half-Elven noble dynasty with deep roots in the Kingdom of Farraige, a southern Siarland kingdom. Established as a cadet branch of the Lorinthan royal family by King Eleran of Lorintha, the House of Eleras played a pivotal role in the creation of Farraige as a haven for Half-Elves. The dynasty's influence was instrumental in shaping the early political and cultural landscape of Farraige, though it ultimately met a tragic end due to internal strife and external conflicts.  

Family Tree


The Lorinthan heritage of the House of Eleras deeply influenced Farraige’s culture, particularly in the realms of art, architecture, and spirituality. The Elven aesthetic was evident in the design of the kingdom’s cities, with elegant, towering structures adorned with intricate carvings and motifs inspired by nature. Gardens, groves, and open spaces were integral to urban planning, reflecting Elven reverence for the natural world.   The cultural legacy of the House of Eleras was one of both preservation and transformation. They sought to maintain the dignity and traditions of their Elven ancestry while also embracing the practical realities of ruling a kingdom with a predominantly Human population. This blend of cultures created a unique identity for Farraige, one that was both proud of its Elven roots and adaptive to the needs of its people.   However, as the kingdom faced external threats, such as the Reich-Farraigen War, and internal challenges, such as the growing discontent among the populace, the cultural cohesion of Farraige began to weaken. The House of Eleras struggled to maintain its authority, and the cultural divide between the nobility and the common people widened, setting the stage for the eventual decline of their rule.


Founding and Early Rule

  The House of Eleras was founded in 3998 EA when King Eleran of Lorintha, seeking to establish a sanctuary for Half-Elves, granted his newly created cadet branch dominion over southern Siarland. This territory, later known as the Kingdom of Farraige, became a refuge for Half-Elves from the Western Colonies, who were often marginalized and persecuted.   Under the leadership of the House of Eleras, Farraige prospered as a stable and relatively peaceful kingdom, maintaining close ties with Lorintha. The Half-Elven nobility of Eleras served as intermediaries between the Elven and Human populations in the region, fostering a unique cultural identity that blended Elven and Human traditions.  

The Human Rebellion and Decline

  The stability of Farraige was challenged during The Human Rebellion, a major conflict that resulted in the collapse of the Elven kingdoms in the North. In response, the House of Eleras closed Farraige's eastern borders, anticipating an invasion by the newly established Imperial League. Although the invasion never materialized, the rebellion and subsequent events weakened the House's hold on power, as internal and external pressures mounted.  

The Reich-Farraigen War

  The decline of the House of Eleras was further exacerbated by the Reich-Farraigen War, a brief but devastating conflict between Farraige and Holzreich in 70 IE. Rumors of Elven scouts infiltrating Reich territory led Holzreich to mobilize its forces and launch an invasion into Farraige. The Reichguard, a newly reformed and professional military force, quickly overwhelmed the poorly trained and equipped Farraigian levies.   Despite the efforts of approximately 1,500 Lorinthan veterans who had previously fought in The Human Rebellion, Farraige's forces were largely routed. The Reichguard advanced to the outskirts of Fairesoir but were eventually stalled by harsh winter conditions and logistical challenges. However, by 71 IE, a stalemate had set in, leading the House of Eleras to controversially pursue a peace settlement with Holzreich, ceding the territories around Valdur.   This defeat caused the House of Eleras a significant loss of prestige, and the heavy casualties suffered by the Lorinthan Remnants severely weakened their ability to maintain power.  

The Coup of 165 IE

  The final blow to the House of Eleras came with the Coup of 165 IE. The kingdom, already destabilized by years of conflict and declining influence, was ripe for upheaval. Alayana, a Half-Elven descendant of King Valendil of Halentha, capitalized on the growing unrest and led a coup against the ruling family. Supported by a loyal following of Halenthan Corsairs and Farraigian supporters, she stormed Castle Fairesoir and executed the House of Eleras, ending their rule.   Alayana, also known as Valendeira, was crowned Queen of Farraige the following day, marking the end of the House of Eleras and the beginning of a new era in Farraige's history.


King Elvar overlooking Fairesoir

3998EA - 168IE

Leader Title
Parent Organization
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