The Silvertower Republic

The Silvertower Republic is a socially and economically influential city-state located on the southern edge of the Velvet Coast. Governed by a council of elected officials led by High Councilor Caelia, the republic values knowledge, diplomacy, and trade over military might. Due to its relatively small population, Silvertower maintains only a modest defensive force, relying on diplomacy and soft power to secure its interests.   While no longer under Elven rule, Silvertower retains subtle influences of Elven culture, particularly in its reverence for knowledge and academic pursuits. The city’s name and its iconic silver tower are remnants of its historical connection to Lorin, the Elven God of Knowledge. This enduring appreciation for Elven scholarship sets Silvertower apart from other Velvet Coast cities and draws disdain from the Order of Alerio, which views any Elven influence with suspicion.


Following the collapse of the Kingdom of Lorintha during the Human Rebellion, Silvertower transitioned from an Elven capital to a significant city within the newly formed Imperial League established by Alerio. Despite the League’s emphasis on human supremacy and suppression of Elven culture, Silvertower managed to retain much of its scholarly heritage and architectural beauty rooted in Elven traditions.   Under Imperial rule, Silvertower served as a regional center for administration, commerce, and learning. The city’s strategic location on the Velvet Coast made it a vital port for trade. While the Imperial League often suppressed Elven traditions elsewhere, Silvertower maintained a degree of cultural autonomy. The city’s institutions, such as the University of Silvertower, continued to attract scholars and preserved knowledge from the Elven Age, though often under the guise of human scholarship.   In 12 IE, the cataclysmic Devastation of Skyreach led to the destruction of the Imperial League’s capital and the death of Emperor Alerio. This event plunged the League into chaos, igniting the Imperial Civil War as various factions fought for control. Silvertower, somewhat removed from the central conflict zones, experienced the war’s impact through disrupted trade, an influx of refugees, and political uncertainty.   Recognizing the instability of the collapsing empire, Silvertower’s leaders sought to preserve their city’s autonomy and cultural heritage. In 15 IE, Silvertower declared itself an independent republic. The Council of Sages was established as the new governing body, composed of elected representatives from academic, mercantile, and civic sectors. Over the following decades, the city focused on strengthening its institutions and maintaining neutrality amidst the surrounding turmoil.   Throughout the Imperial Era, Silvertower continued to thrive as a center of knowledge, culture, and trade. The city’s commitment to education and preservation of its Elven-influenced heritage set it apart from other human city states in the region. Despite occasional tensions with neighboring states wary of its Elven associations, Silvertower managed to maintain peaceful relations through diplomacy and mutual economic interests.

Agriculture & Industry

Silvertower is a hub for scholars, historians, and archaeologists. Its academies and libraries attract intellectuals from across the region who are eager to explore ancient texts and artifacts. The city’s economy thrives on the trade of rare books, antiquities, and scholarly works. Artisans and merchants benefit from the influx of visitors seeking knowledge and cultural enrichment.
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Head of State
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities