The Scholum Argentum

The Scholum Argentum (formerly Vara'Eil in the Elven Age) is an educational institution located in the city of Silvertower. The Scholum's campus encompasses the gardens precinct surrounding the Silver Tower itself, sharing the grounds of the landmark with the governmental institutions of The Silvertower Republic.   The Scholum maintains an academic rivalary with The Siar Conclave, with Elacan Isilda famously dismissing the work of the modern Scholum as "glorified copper counting and the self-aggrandizing of human civilisation that ultimately contributes little to furthering understanding of the universe."


The Scholum is sub-divided into a number of departments.  
  • Department of Imperial History: Focuses on the study of the Imperial League's history, governance, and military campaigns, as well as the history of the successor states of the Velvet Coast.
  • Philosophia Deparment: Dedicated to the study of philosophy, ethics, and metaphysics.
  • Mercantile Department: Specialises in trade, economics, and commerce.
  • Department of Healing: Focuses on healing arts, herbalism, and medical sciences.
  • Department of Cultural Heritage: Preserves and studies the cultural and artistic heritage of the Imperial League and her successor states. Additionally, some controversial work has been undertaken into the preservation of Elven cultural heritage.
  • Department of Imperial and Republican Law: Dedicated to the study of legal systems, governance, and public policy within the Imperial League and the Silvertower Republic.
  • Culture

    The student body at The Scholum Argentum, although comprised primarily of Velvet Coasters, boasts students from the Grand Duchy of Novaya, Holzreich and even as far as Sutra Bay, with the only barrier to admission being the finances required to enrol and sustain oneself.   The Scholum Argentum's culture is a vibrant blend of scholarly pursuit and historical legacy, yet it is not without its internal tensions. The institution prides itself on being an unbiased center for knowledge, but the clash between its Elven heritage and the human-centric academic disciplines it now embraces has created an underlying friction amongst the scholarly body.   At the heart of this issue lies a visible tension between the Department of Cultural Heritage, which controversially includes the field of Elven studies, and the other academic departments. Historically, Vara'Eil was founded to preserve and advance Elven knowledge. However, since its transformation into Scholum Argentum under the Imperial League, non-Elven influenced fields have increasingly received greater funding and institutional support, a trend that carried on into the rule of The Silvertower Republic.   Sages of the Department of Cultural Heritage allege that grants that should otherwise encompass subjects within their field are instead granted to the Department of Imperial History. This percieved preferential funding has led senior Cultural Heritage academics to belive that their work is actively being supressed by the administration.   Furthering the tension, the Order of Alerio maintains an extracurricular theological social club on campus, which actively promotes Alerian academic perspectives and the preservation of Alerian cultural heritage. Their activities include Ceremonies and rituals celebrating Emperor Alerio's deification, often held in the Imperial History Tower of Valeria, and hosting speakers that challenge the historical narrative of Elven Supremacy in the North, showcasing Human achievements of The Mortal Interregnum and emphasising the oppression of humanity during the later years of the Elven Age and The Human Rebellion.   Members of the Order frequently disrupt lectures that involve Elven studies. These disruptions include shouting slogans, staging protests, and interrupting presentations. Supporters of the Order, along with sympathetic students, organise demonstrations against faculty perceived as promoting non-human or Elven ideologies. These actions have created a climate of unease and division within the Scholum Argentum.   The Scholum Argentum actively engages with the broader Silvertower Republic, hosting educational workshops and working with local guilds in order to profilerate the culture of learning that the Republic strives to impart on all of its citizens.   Sharing its grounds with the Silver Tower itself, the Scholum often collaborates with the government institutions of The Silvertower Republic for funding and to pursue research ventures that are of interest to the state.

    Public Agenda

    The stated public agenda of the Scholum is the unpartisan, unbiased pursuit of knowledge, proudly boasting to be the only educational institution in the Velvet Coast that sanctions study of Pre-Imperial history without the oversight of the Order of Alerio.


      The Scholum Argentum was established in 600 EA (Estimated) during the Elven Age under the name Vara'Eil. Founded by a coalition of Elven scholars and mages, the institution was designed to be a center of learning, preserving ancient Elven knowledge whilst fostering new academic pursuits. The initial campus layout was planned to integrate seamlessly with Silvertower's Gardens Precinct, emphasising harmony between nature and scholarship. The Elven founders sought to create a bastion of knowledge that would preserve ancient Elven wisdom while fostering new academic pursuits essential for the burgeoning city.   During the zenith of the Kingdom of Lorintha, Vara'Eil was revered as the pinnacle of academic achievement in the known world. The Kingdom of Lorintha, known for its rich cultural and intellectual heritage, invested heavily in Scholum Argentum, elevating it to unparalleled heights. Under Elven rule, the institution attracted the brightest Elven minds from across the continent, becoming a center for groundbreaking research and scholarly discourse. Vara'Eil was celebrated for its advanced studies in philosophy, history, and the arcane arts, setting standards that other institutions aspired to match. Members of the Elven noble dynasty House Isilda served proimenantly as key faculty and administrative leaders within Vara'Eil, guiding both scholars and the institution's direction.   During this golden age, Human slaves were employed as orderlies and academic aids, performing menial tasks and assisting in various academic endeavors. These individuals were integral to the day-to-day functioning of the institution, yet their contributions were often undervalued and obscured from recognition in Elven records. It is said that during this time Emperor Alerio himself worked under an Elven historian before his fateful assignment to the mines of Holz in the west. This apprenticeship provided Alerio with a profound understanding of history and governance, and arguably set up his future success in his rebellion.   With the decline of Elven dominance and the rise of the Imperial League, Vara'Eil underwent a transformation to align with the new political landscape. The Imperial League recognized the strategic advantage of maintaining and advancing academic institutions to secure an intellectual edge over rival factions. Consequently, they preserved the insitution, renaming it the Scholum Argentum, and invested substantial resources to expand its academic offerings to reflect the new world order.   Following the Collapse of the Imperial League and the beginning of the Imperial Civil War the Council of Sages, drawn predominantly from the leadership of the Scholum, created the Silvertower Republic. Under the Republic, Scholum Argentum underwent a period of re-establishment and reorientation to align with the republic's ideals of inclusivity, democratic governance, and cultural pluralism. The republic aimed to democratise education, making it more accessible to a broader segment of the population while preserving the institution's esteemed legacy. In theory, any individual regardless of background could attend the Scholum so long as they applied themselves to their studies. Despite efforts to promote inclusivity, the shadow of Elven dominance other the North and the preferential treatment of non-Elven departments by the new human administration fostered a degree of cultural tension. This tension escalated with the establishment and spread of the Order of Alerio in the years following The Devastation of Skyreach.   In 201IE, Scholum Argentum continues to uphold its legacy of academic excellence.    

    Notable Individuals


    Alaric Clericus

    High Sage Alaric Clericus is the current High Sage of the Scholum. Born in the city of Floria, the High Sage's early educational career was spent as a young scholar at the Scholum, where he rose to prominence after penning his dissertation: "Moral Imperatives and Governance: A Philosophical Examination of Human Rule in the Velvet Coast". Alaric Clericus remained at Scholum Argentum as a faculty member, quickly rising through the ranks due to his exceptional scholarship and commitment to academic excellence. His interdisciplinary approach fostered collaborations across various departments, including Philosophia, Imperial and Republican Law, and Cultural Heritage.  

    Caelia Valen

    Caelia Valen serves as the current High Chancellor of The Silvertower Republic, overseeing the administrative and operational facets of the institution. A respected scholar born and raised in Silvertower. During her time at Scholum Argentum, Caelia conducted research on legal frameworks and governance structures across the known world, earning accolades from the faculty for her insightful analyses and practical applications of legal theory. In 200IE at the age of 24, Caelia was named the newest High Chancellor of the Republic, much to the surprise of the populace. Due to her close working relationship with Clericus, some political opponents have levelled the accusation that she is simply a puppet of the Scholum's administration.  

    Elenion Isilda

      Elenion Isilda was a distinguished Elf scholar from House Isilda, renowned for his expertise in ancient Elven magic and celestial studies. He was active in academia during the mid Elven Age circa 1200EA to 1700EA, serving as the chief archivist at the of Vara'Eil for a time. Elenion authored significant works on the preservation of Elven lore of The Mortal Interregnum, and the integration of celestial phenomena with arcane practices.
    Founding Date
    600 EA (Estimated) as Vara'Eil
    Educational, University
    Ruling Organization
    Leader Title
    Parent Organization
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