Asirgargians Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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Asirgargians (aa-sir-gair-ge-ian)

An ancient Human tribe during the time of Sieghardt- God Emperor, this tribe being one of the twelve tribes that joined him to form The Confederation of Man. They were led by King Beowulf at the time and they would later become the imperial province of Mindenland.

The Asirgargians were a people that were stalwart, isolationists and mountain-bound. They resided east of the Theodoricings across the Aachen River. They were congregated around the Blue Mountain and at it's peak resided their captial Sturm. They worshipped the god of lightning Baalzaac of the Old Rodinia Pantheon

When Sieghardt- God Emperor came to unite the tribe, he was ignored by all the people's, Sieghardt later discovered that their deity only accepts those with power, and so Sieghardt scaled the mountain to Sturm. The mountain was treachrous, but he climbed on. Finally he reached the top which bore the greatest of the Asirgargians warriors. There he confronted king Beowulf, and with the lighting striking near inches from their feet, they engaged in a duel under the gaze of Baalzaac. The two mighty warriors battled for what seemed like ages, but Sieghardt bested Beowulf. With their king slain and bested. The lightning of the mighty god Baalzaac struck Sieghardt, but he was left unscathed, thus acclaiming him the victor. The spectators all bowed before their new king, and thus the Asirgargians joined Sieghardt.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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