Theodoricings Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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The first of the twelve original Human kingdoms that joined with other tribes to become The Confederation of Man and later The Empire of Man. They would later become the nation of Hansa, the birthplace of the empire and it's founder.

The Theodoricings were a tribe of adaptable warriors, and under the rule of Wichimann Theodoricing, a tribe of strong bonds and alliances, managing to ally with the Kengians and Vikilians, allowing them to compete with their far stronger neighbors and later paving the way for Sieghardt- God Emperor's quest to unify the tribes.

They worshipped Dyre, Morr- God of Blood, and Uva of the Old Rodinia Pantheon.

Their capital was known as Paderhorn and would later be known as the current capital Helgendorf.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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