Celestial Dragon Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Celestial Dragon

The Celestial Dragon stands as the pinnacle of dragon might, embodying unparalleled power and grandeur. These majestic creatures are revered for their exceptional abilities and unmatched intelligence. Celestial Dragons possess immense magical prowess, surpassing that of any other dragon type. They are extraordinary spellcasters, capable of wielding a vast array of spells and manipulating the very fabric of reality. With their profound knowledge of arcane arts, they can unleash devastating spells upon their foes or wield magic to reshape their surroundings.   In addition to their spellcasting abilities, Celestial Dragons are formidable shapeshifters. They possess the rare talent to assume various forms, adapting to different situations and environments with ease. This shapeshifting ability allows them to blend seamlessly into their surroundings or assume more intimidating and powerful forms for combat.   What sets Celestial Dragons apart is their exceptional intelligence. They possess a profound understanding of the world and its mysteries, making them both wise and strategic. Their intellect allows them to perceive and exploit their opponents' weaknesses while devising intricate plans and strategies to overcome any challenge they face.   Physically, Celestial Dragons are awe-inspiring. They possess a majestic presence, towering over other dragons and creatures with their sheer size and strength. Their scales glisten with a radiant aura, reflecting their celestial nature. Their long bodies span wide, enabling them to soar through the skies with grace and agility.   Celestial Dragons are often seen as majestic guardians and wise advisers. They command respect and admiration from both dragons and mortal beings alike. Their vast knowledge, coupled with their unmatched magical abilities and physical prowess, make them beings of immense power and importance in the realms they inhabit.   Encountering a Celestial Dragon is a once in a lifetime and awe-inspiring experience. Their regal demeanor and radiant aura leave an indelible impression on all who witness their presence. Whether they are sought out for their wisdom, feared for their power, or revered as celestial beings, Celestial Dragons stand as majestic symbols of strength, magic, and intelligence.

Major organizations

Yang Empire
Celestial Dragons are the greatest and eldest dragons. Once an Azure dragon has lived atleast 10000 years it will ascend to a Celestial Dragon. Like a Azure Dragon, Celestial Dragons have no wings. Compared to Azure Dragons, Celestial Dragons are massive in size and can span miles in length. Sometimes they are called world serpents for this. Celestial Dragons are one of the hardest things to come across and most will never encounter one for generations. The Celestial Dragons were banished to the shadow realm during the Celestial War and wouldn't be freed until the coming of Yang Kai. After the rescue, they swore loyalty to the Great Yang and are residents of the Yang Empire. To find a Celestial Dragon outside of the Yang Empire is nigh impossible.
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species

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