Evolzar Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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The Evolzar, also known as fallen Aasimar, are a tragic deviation from their celestial heritage. Created by the corruption and influence of Bellerophon during the Celestial War, the Evolzar represent a fallen and twisted aspect of what was once noble and righteous.   Originally, these individuals were Aasimar, blessed by the divine grace of Holactie - The Creator of Light . However, through various circumstances, such as succumbing to temptation, embracing dark powers, or being subjected to malevolent influences, they have turned away from the path of righteousness and succumbed to darkness.   Unlike their Aasimar counterparts, the Evolzar exhibit physical and spiritual signs of corruption and decay. Their once radiant features and celestial beauty are marred and twisted, reflecting the taint of the dark forces that have taken hold of them. Their once luminous aura has dimmed, and in its place, a palpable aura of darkness and malevolence emanates from their being.   The fallen Aasimar, now Evolzar, possess a twisted and perverted version of the celestial magic they once wielded. Instead of channeling radiant spells of healing and protection, their powers have been corrupted into dark and destructive forces. They can harness shadowy energies, casting spells of darkness, necromancy, and manipulation to further their own wicked ambitions.   Emotionally and spiritually, the Evolzar have become detached from the ideals and virtues of their former Aasimar kin. They are consumed by their own desires, often driven by a lust for power, vengeance, or control. Their actions are guided by selfishness and cruelty, as they revel in the pain and suffering of others.   While the Aasimar embody hope and purity, the Evolzar represent a fallen and corrupted aspect of their celestial lineage. Their existence serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between light and darkness, and the constant struggle within each individual to resist the temptations that can lead to their downfall.   It is important to note that not all Aasimar succumb to darkness and become Evolzar. Those who remain steadfast in their commitment to righteousness and resist the lure of malevolence continue to serve as beacons of light, combating the darkness that threatens to consume the world.
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