Fairy Species in Oros | World Anvil
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The fairies, or Fae as they are sometimes called, are among the oldest and most enigmatic creations of Holactie - The Creator of Light, embodying both ancient wisdom and boundless joy. These ethereal beings emerged as a testament to Holactie's creative prowess, bearing a unique and revered position within the intricate tapestry of the world.   With powers that harken back to the dawn of creation, fairies wield magic that is as mysterious as it is potent. Their abilities are intrinsically tied to the natural forces that shape the world, allowing them to commune with the elements, influence the seasons, and weave intricate spells that blur the boundaries between reality and enchantment. These magical gifts are not just a source of power, but a reflection of the fairies' connection to the very essence of creation.   During the tumultuous era of the Celestial War, the fairies demonstrated unwavering valor and dedication in the face of cosmic conflict. Their wings carried them through battles that spanned the realms, and their ancient magic was instrumental in the efforts to maintain balance and preserve the delicate equilibrium of existence. They fought alongside their celestial allies, channeling their formidable powers to hold back the tides of chaos and darkness.   One figure, in particular, emerged as a beacon of leadership among the fairies – Ib- Fairy Goddess. Her strategic brilliance and unwavering determination were instrumental in the recapture of the fairy realm, a sanctuary that had briefly fallen into the grasp of malevolent forces. Through her efforts, the fairy realm was sealed, safeguarding it from further intrusion and ensuring the safety of her kin.   With the fairy realm hidden from prying eyes, the fairies retreated from the mortal world, their presence becoming a distant memory. They continue to thrive within their secluded haven, perpetuating their ancient traditions, preserving their mystical knowledge, and nurturing the delicate balance that sustains their realm.   While their physical presence has faded from the world's collective consciousness, the legacy of the fairies endures. Stories of their valor, their magic, and their radiant joy persist in the annals of history, woven into the fabric of countless cultures and whispered by those who still hold their memory dear.
Scientific Name
Imperfecta Fardus

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