Oros The Battle of the Lunes
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The Battle of the Lunes

Military: Battle


Bellerophon attacks the Fairy Realm

The battle between Bellerophon and the fairies in the Fairy Realm, known as the Battle of the Lunes, was a fierce and brutal conflict. Bellerophon, armed with his corrupted followers, stormed into the realm, seeking to destroy the fairies and plunge the realm into darkness. The fairies, led by their queen Ib, fought valiantly to defend their home and their existence.   In the timeless realm of the fairies, the battle seemed to last for years, even though only a few days passed in the mortal plane. Bellerophon clashed with Ib numerous times, their conflicts resulting in the slaughter and corruption of many fairies. The fairies, driven by their loyalty to their queen, were willing to sacrifice themselves to protect her and their realm.   Despite the bravery and determination of Ib and her subjects, it became evident that Bellerophon had the upper hand and victory was within his grasp. In a desperate move, Ib, accompanied by her loyal underlings, was forced to retreat unwillingly. As long as Ib lived, the fairies would have a chance of survival, and they willingly sacrificed themselves to ensure her escape.   Throughout the battle, many fairies fell, either killed or corrupted into dark fairies or abominations under Bellerophon's influence. The battle left the Fairy Realm devastated, with the once vibrant and enchanting realm now tainted by darkness and suffering.   The Battle of the Lunes stands as a tragic testament to the destructive power of Bellerophon and the lengths he was willing to go to bring darkness and chaos to the world. The surviving fairies, under the leadership of Ib, would have to regroup, heal their wounds, and find a way to resist the encroaching darkness that threatened to consume their realm and their very essence.

Related Location
Fairy Realm
Related Species
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