Great God War Military Conflict in Oros | World Anvil
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Great God War

The Great God War, instigated by the ambitious Babel- God of War, unfolded as a cataclysmic conflict that reverberated across continents, entangling gods, immortals, and mortals in a relentless clash. Babel's driving force behind this war stemmed from an insatiable hunger for conflict and an unwavering thirst for power, challenging The Three Goddesses' efforts to maintain peace.

  Babel's banner attracted gods of diverse alignments, alongside mortals driven by their individual ambitions and desires. The coalition aligned with Babel represented a disparate gathering of entities, ranging from the forces of evil to those championing good and maintaining a neutral stance. What united them was a shared yearning for the chaos and glory inherent in the crucible of war.

  On the opposing side, the Three Goddesses recognized the imminent threat posed by Babel's war. In response, they rallied their own forces, drawing from the diverse array of beings within their influence. Understanding the paramount importance of upholding balance, the Goddesses aimed to thwart Babel's ambitions and prevent any single entity from gaining undue dominance, thereby preserving the delicate equilibrium of the world.

  As this colossal conflict unfolded, the world bore witness to an overwhelming loss of life. The consequences of the Great God War rippled across nations and realms, leaving an indelible mark on existence.
Conflict Type
Start Date
1453 AC
Ending Date

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Peacekeepers of The Three Goddesses

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To maintain peace in the world
Warmongers of Babel

Led by




To have the greatest and most bloodiest of wars.
Undead of Nebuchadnezzar

Led by




Unleash undeath upon the world and rule it.
The Divine Dao

Led by




Expand the empire


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