Kalsaces Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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An ancient Human tribe in the time of Sieghardt- God Emperor, it is one of the twelve tribes that united under Sieghardt to form The Confederation of Man. They were led by Queen Skadi during the time and would later become the imperial province of Morigana.

The Kalsaces were a matriarchal tribe that resided west of the River Kalsace in modern day Gobi Desert and Demon Kingdom of Lanka. They worshipped Morr- God of Blood, Reseyr, Freya, Chimagi and Dobrava in the eastern faith of the Old Rodinia Pantheon.

They were a tribe with a strong warrior culture and importance on honor. By the time Sieghardt arrived to unite them, they would conqueor all other tribes in the Gobilands.

Among the twelve tribes and their stories of unifaction with the god-king, the Kalsaces have the most famous of them. Sieghardt had spent much time in many wars, diplomacy and duels to unite the other tribes. But Queen Skadi offered to join Sieghardt if he would only share a bed with her. This night would later lead to the birth of the god-king's only child Prince Sieghardt.

The capital of the Kalsaces was named Sigtuna and would later become the city of Morgandorf.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Notable Members
Related Species

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