Prince Sieghardt Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Prince Sieghardt

The Magnificent

Prince Sieghardt, the sole heir of Sieghardt- God Emperor, was born to Queen Skadi of the Kalsace tribe, inheriting both his father's legendary godly power and the title of Emperor of Man. However, unlike his noble progenitor, Sieghardt's rule was marked by cruelty and tyranny, plunging The Empire of Man into three centuries of darkness known as the Tyrannical Era. Under his despotic reign, the empire and neighboring lands suffered immensely, as Sieghardt ruled with the capriciousness of a Demon, indifferent to the suffering of his subjects.

  In a bold bid for liberation, the oppressed populace devised a plan to depose Prince Sieghardt, orchestrating a distraction to seize the mighty hammer Ghal Maraz, which held the power to defeat him. Led by the soon to be Emperor Klaus the Savior , the liberation army engaged in a protracted conflict against Prince Sieghardt, enduring years of warfare before finally forcing the him to relent. Exhausted by the ceaseless struggle, Prince Sieghardt relinquished his grip on power and departed from the empire, leaving behind a legacy of suffering and oppression.

  With his reign of terror at an end, Prince Sieghardt embarked on a journey of self-discovery, traveling the world to refine his combat skills and immerse himself in diverse cultures. Despite his several millennia-long existence, Prince Sieghardt's thirst for adventure and pursuit of pleasure remain insatiable, as he now resides in the land of Rodinia , indulging in the finest luxuries and reveling in absolute freedom to pursue his desires.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prince Sieghardt's personal history is intertwined with the legendary exploits of his father, Sieghardt- God Emperor. As the empire's ascendant champion and the vanquisher of the Great God War, Sieghardt's journey began with the arduous task of uniting the disparate tribes of men to confront the dreaded Orc Overlord Gluk Blood- Axe. While many tribes pledged their allegiance to Sieghardt in admiration of his martial prowess or in exchange for protection and leadership, the approach of the Matriarchal Kalsace tribe was unique.

Led by Queen Skadi, the Kalsace tribe sought unity with Sieghardt, not through demands for defense or victory in combat, but through a simple request: to share a night together. For Sieghardt, whose divine purpose left little time for pursuits of love or companionship, this proposition represented a novel path to unity. Recognizing the importance of untiy long ago, Sieghardt acquiesced to Skadi's request, cementing the bond between their peoples in a single night of shared intimacy.

After the shared night of the two, Queen Skadi was pregnant. However Sieghardt, In the midst of his relentless campaign against the dreaded orc overlord Gluk Blood-Axe, the God-Emperor Sieghardt remained unaware of the quiet pregnancy of Queen Skadi, concealed from all but her closest confidants and the enigmatic father himself. Although his son had been born in 1942, It wasn't until five years after the birth of his son, amidst the tumult of his crusade against Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God, that Sieghardt was confronted with the revelation of his progeny.

Amidst the harsh backdrop of war, Queen Skadi ventured to Sieghardt's encampment, seeking a private audience with the god-emperor. There, in the solemn intimacy of their conversation, she brought his son before him and revealed that she had sired his heir, the heir to Sieghardt's divine lineage. Caught off guard and ensnared by the demands of war, Sieghardt grappled with the weight of this unexpected revelation.Though he recognized the significance of his son's existence, Sieghardt was burdened by the practicalities of nurturing a child amidst the chaos of conflict. Concerned for his son's safety and wary of the political implications, Sieghardt implored Skadi to keep their secret closely guarded and return him to the homeland, fearing the repercussions of exposing his heir to the machinations of his enemies.

  Yet, Queen Skadi, a formidable warrior queen in her own right, saw in her son the potential for glory and renown. Her fierce determination clashed with Sieghardt's cautious pragmatism, And so at dawn when Sieghardt addressed his men, Skadi announced to all his heir and presented him for all eyes to see, Sieghardt was not pleased with her going against his wishes but had to play along in front of his men. Later he spoke fiercely with Skadi and she stated that what better way to train his son then to have him fight alongside him in war. But he is merely five Sieghardt uttered. Skadi stated that in her culture, they begin training at the age of five. Sieghardt found himself reluctantly acquiescing to Skadi's insistence that their son join him in the crucible of war. Despite his reservations, Sieghardt conceded to the wisdom of Skadi's culture, where the crucible of combat served as the ultimate training ground from a tender age.

Amidst the grandeur and tumult of his father's conquests, Prince Sieghardt, known simply as "The Prince," emerged as a figure of unparalleled prowess and promise. With hair of spun gold and skin unblemished, he bore the mark of his divine lineage, yet it was his martial prowess and unwavering determination that truly set him apart. From a tender age, he was thrust into the crucible of war, fighting alongside his father and the champions who sought to rid the world of the blight of Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God. Gifted with a prodigious intellect and unmatched skill in combat, The Prince quickly became the embodiment of his father's legacy, earning the adulation and respect of all who fought alongside him. His every deed brought pride and joy to Sieghardt, who saw in his son the true heir to his divine mantle.

  Yet, amidst the glory of battle, tragedy struck. During a fateful confrontation with a powerful undead force, The Prince suffered a grievous blow, not to his body, but to his mind. Cast into a deep slumber, he was rendered comatose, his vibrant spirit subdued by unseen forces. In the face of this dire affliction, Sieghardt spared no expense in seeking a cure for his beloved son. Dispatching him to the homeland under the care of skilled healers, the god-emperor continued his relentless campaign against Nebuchadnezzar for he was on the cusp of victory, however his heart was heavy with concern for his son's fate.

  However, fate had other plans in store. As The Prince's escort journeyed homeward, tragedy struck once more, as they fell victim to a mysterious assailant, perhaps bandits, jealous vassals or a monster, none know who attacked. But what is true is that all were found dead, but the Prince's body was missing. The Prince's body vanished without a trace, leaving Sieghardt consumed by anguish and despair.

  For years, the fate of The Prince remained shrouded in uncertainty, until a chance discovery by a group of intrepid Halflings discovered his comatose form nestled within a secluded cave deep in the mountains. Unharmed yet unresponsive, he was returned to the homeland, where he lay in peaceful slumber, awaiting the touch of awakening.

  As Sieghardt's war against Nebuchadnezzar reached its climactic conclusion, news of his son's discovery brought a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. Yet, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Sieghardt's undivided attenetion was focused on the only enemy and the catalyst for the Great God War, Babel- God of War, leaving his reunion with his long-lost son to await in the future.

As the war with Babel raged on and with the end of the war in sight, Prince Sieghardt, newly awakened from his decades-long slumber, presented a facade of recovery and convalescence to the world. His father, the god-emperor, filled with elation at his son's recovery, extended a fervent invitation for him to join in the final battles against Babel. However, to his father's dismay, the Prince declined, citing a need for time to recuperate. Little did anyone suspect the true nature of the Prince's newfound demeanor.

  Behind the mask of convalescence lay a darkness born of his prolonged unconsciousness. During his coma, the Prince had been ensnared within a web of dreams, visions of boundless indulgence and unbridled pleasure. Within these dreams, he ruled over a domain where his every desire was sated without restraint, a world crafted by the hand of Zhrakk- God of Pain and Pleasure.   It is whispered that the cave where he slumbered was a sanctum of Zhrakk, where the god of pain and pleasure intertwined his essence with that of the slumbering prince. In this realm of dreams, the Prince's noble spirit was gradually eclipsed by an insatiable lust for power and decadence, morphing him into a creature of vice and cruelty. Zhrakk merely allowed him to fulfill all of his desires.   As his father waged war abroad, the Prince remained in the homeland, clandestinely indulging his newfound desires. Behind closed doors, he reveled in acts of depravity and debauchery, his lust for flesh and power knowing no bounds. Those unfortunate enough to stumble upon his secret were swiftly silenced, their fates forever sealed within the Prince's web of darkness.   As soon as the Prince learned of Babel's defeat, the end of the Great God War and his father's demise. The Prince wasted no time in seizing the mantle of Emperor. Casting aside the facade of recovery, he unveiled his true nature to the world, with no need to hide it anymore. Prince Sieghardt gave his soul to the lord of pleasure and promised he would follow his dream and indulge himself in every kind of decadence no matter how slight. With his soul sold to the pleasure god, Prince Sieghardt was given the power he needed to acquire anything he so desires. And with this the reign of Prince Sieghardt and the Tyrannical Era would begin.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
the Magnifiecent
the Glorious
Geld Prince of Zhraak
Prince of the Decadent Host
True Heir of Sieghardt
Defunct/Deposed Emperor of Man
The Immortal Slayer
Legendary Swordsman
Most Terrible Tyrant
Immortal Scourge
The one's name that shall not be spoken(The Empire of Man 
The Bewitched Emperor
The Stain upon history
The Great Terrible
Scourge of All Peoples
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
1942 AC 13060 Years old
Black Hair(Formerly Long Blonde)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization

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